
List of Contents
- Story
- Registration (how to join the Campaign if you haven't already, list of registered players)
- Active Missions (currently active missions or objectives)
- Asset System (information about this system ruleset)
- Morale (information about this system ruleset)
- Mission Results (information about this system ruleset)
- Rewards
- Active Campaign Rules (information about this system ruleset)
Today, we’re launching the first episode of the Storyline Campaign in the form of Episode 1. For more information about the campaign itself, please visit the Storyline Campaign Hub.
The heat of a late summer afternoon hit me as I was exiting the shop where what turned out to be a lengthy interview took place. I closed my eyes and soaked in the warmth, the smells and the sounds, all blending into one familiar experience. I’ve never thought of any single place as home, but Chicago was as close to it as I could imagine. I knew it, the people; I knew where to get the best pizza in town and where to have a good time. This was my scene, despite the love and hate relationship I was successfully fostering.
The whole day and the responsibility of the upcoming hours suddenly weighed heavy on me, as if the rifle in my hands (which the store owner reminded me to pick up) had the mass ten time its size. I sighed heavily. Time to get to work.
First, the suit. I was staring at a nondescript black bundle in the trunk of my car. I had no idea how it got there – the lock was untouched. Yet it was undeniably lying in front of me, mocking my deductive skills and the car’s security measures both. Unzipping the plastic cover revealed high-quality fabric that I definitely would not be able to afford. I had to resist the urge to run my fingers over it, reminding myself that it might do the suit quite a disservice in my sweaty tired state. There would be enough time for that later, once I took a shower.
And a shower was what I sorely needed. I quickly checked my cellphone – good, I was going to make it on time. Hotel Bellevue... here I come.
A few hours later, I was standing in front of a massive edifice of steel and glass housing a high-end restaurant and an even higher-end hotel and I was feeling very much out of place. In fact, this was pretty much the polar opposite of a place where I’d feel comfortable – the kind where a guard calls the cops on you at the earliest opportunity.
The parking lot in front was small – you don’t need a big one when you have a valet and underground garages with only one well-dressed elderly couple handing their BMW keys to a valet, who was already eying my beat-up Chevelle with suspicion.
Despite a quick shuteye earlier and long shower followed by an even longer attempt to make myself presentable, I was feeling incredibly nervous and out of place, although certainly not for the lack of attire. It turned out that the suit in my trunk was impeccable and tailored, bearing no brands. Where did they get the measures I had (once again) no idea, but it fitted me like a glove. The whole experience felt oddly surreal, as if I was being driven to some goal by a force outside of my perception and all the choices made be me in the past led to this point.
I quickly checked my reflection in the glass wall, nodded and threw the keys to the valet, who caught them with a smirk. At that point, I realized I had seen the old couple give him a fiver along with theirs but the idea of awkwardly fumbling to find my wallet within the suit’s silk-smooth depths dissuaded me from attempting to do the same. I just waved at the guy and almost ran inside. A few seconds later, I realized that mistreating a person that was about to drive my car wasn’t perhaps the best idea either, but the deed was already done. No way but forward. Checking my reflection once again, I nodded and braced myself. This was it, the career-making moment of my life.
I headed through the lobby to my left, to the restaurant entrance. The hostess behind a small table was already watching me, her expression utterly blank save for a polite, insincere smile. I nodded to her, approaching the stand with faked confidence.
“Good evening. I’m here for a meeting with...”
She nodded.
“With whom, sir?”
I just realized I had no idea and was about to look very, very foolish. My brain froze for a moment, imagining all the potential terrible consequences of this humiliating situation, but before I could get to the part where I run away screaming, the hostess smiled, this time seemingly sincerely.
“Ah, apologies. You must be Mr. Thorpe, correct?”
I managed to nod, my face flushed with embarrassment.
“Right this way, sir!”
She beckoned me to follow and led me through several rows of mostly occupied tables. I noticed that few people present even raised their eyes to acknowledge me passing by – this place clearly was big on privacy.
We made our way towards the back of the room and the old feeling of unease once again rose to the surface. The room was well-lit but I felt as if there was some kind of gloom surrounding one particular area where a number of tables were left vacant in order to provide the occupants of the sole remaining one with an extra layer of privacy. Nobody could overhear any conversations coming from it but, more importantly, the act of separation alone spoke of the power and wealth the two persons sitting at it wielded. Even in the rich man’s world, this was a gesture and its meaning was clear.
The hostess ushered me to the table and promptly left, leaving me standing in front of the two people present. One was a man in his early sixties with sharp features, piercing blue eyes and short grey hair. His face was dominated by a somewhat hawkish nose, his expression firm and strict. But it was his gaze that made him stand out in any company – the kind that bores right through you, through your soul, exposing it and judging it. The man’s lips curled into a slight smile as he rose to his feet, offering me a firm handshake.
“Mister Thorpe, I presume. Pleasure to meet you. David Murdoch.”
The lady sitting next to him rose to her feet, her smile far more pleasant than that of her boss. She was a dark-skinned woman with long braided hair in her late twenties or early thirties and I hesitated for a split second, taken aback by her stunning beauty. She noticed, of course – her gaze was as piercing as that of her boss. Even though I was the only person in the room with actual combat experience (or so I thought at the time), for some reason I felt like a lamb in front of two wolves with ravenous hunger in their eyes. But the feeling passed and I remembered how to be a gentleman, shaking her soft hand carefully.
“Norah Ferguson, at your service.”
I nodded, smiling back.
“You must be Miss Norah that got Hector sh....,” I stopped just short of impropriety and remembered, once again, my manners.
“Scared a lot you mean, I suppose,” she retorted.
“Yes,” I nodded. “Yes, that’s exactly what I mean.”
We all sat down and a waiter appeared out of nowhere, handing me the menu.
“Don’t be shy,” smiled Murdoch. “It’s, as they say, on the house. Owning this place has a few perks.”
The menu was almost entirely in French and I had two most influential people in this place – or perhaps in this city – watching me, clearly interested in seeing me solve the awkward situation. Alright. Ah what the hell. Might as well be me.
“I’ll have steak. Medium rare, please. With a side dish of steak fries. And a beer. Make it... hmmm...”
I thought for a second. Might as well go full redneck, right?
The waiter didn’t move a muscle as he wrote it down and hurried to fulfill my order. Murdoch and Ferguson seemed satisfied with what they saw – and if they weren’t, I couldn’t tell anyway. Murdoch in particular appeared completely relaxed, reclining in his chair and sipping from a glass of red wine, which occupied his attention for a brief moment as he was savoring its taste. Ferguson, on the other hand, appeared tense. From her plain business suit, she was clearly a subordinate of his, but a high placed one.
You’d be surprised how much do clothes tell. Your preferences, your opinions, even your desires – it’s all there in the weave. You can fake your position to a degree, buy yourself a tailored suit like she had (like I had, I corrected myself), but this will only get you so far. There’s tailored and there’s Tailored.
Murdoch’s suit was the latter, the kind of attire you can’t buy with wealth. To look like this, you need Wealth with capital W – and influence. Lots of influence. Some things just aren’t meant for mortals like me.
I clasped my hands together.
“Right then... Mister Murdoch, sir. I assume you haven’t invited me to a dinner...”
“Food first,” he interrupted me, lifting his finger half-jokingly, “business later. It’s bad manners to talk shop with a hungry guest.”
With my stomach almost growling, I nodded solemnly. After a few failed attempts at small-talk with the lady (yes, the weather’s nice and yes, some rain would be nice), we passed what time remained to the meal in silence. After that, we ate – the steak was rather good, but what on earth is wag-you? And I couldn’t even guess what those two were having – I think I saw a tentacle there somewhere, hard to say, not being much into ethnic food.
An hour later, with the table clean and us enjoying a tea of some kind (after downing that beer in a few gulps, a cup felt surprisingly refreshing), Murdoch finally began.
“To the matter at hand then...”
Clasped hands, fingers touching lips and a short pause. Very dramatic.
“First things first. Do you know who I am?”
I nodded. The truth was, I hadn’t known up until roughly two hours before the meeting, but I had internet access and one simple search of the name told me everything I needed to know. David Murdoch, one of the legendary investors of our time, a real prodigy. His ability to choose projects that would become a huge success allowed him to amass incredible amounts of resources, which he kept re-investing. He was one of the most powerful men in Chicago, rubbing elbows with the very cream of the crop.
And yet, few knew anything about him as a person and even the all-knowing Wikipedia only had one old photo that kept being used over and over whenever the news mentioned another acquisition of his. I couldn’t find anything that would give me an edge, but, more importantly, for such a powerful man to meet a merc in person and in public – that wasn’t rare, that was unheard of and, more importantly, made no sense. I was suspecting a charade of some sort – and yet, the man in front of me clearly was the person from the picture, no mistake there. This, of course, led to a million questions. For now, however, I had to be content with letting him speak and wait for my turn.
He nodded back, almost absent-mindedly. “Good. That makes things considerably easier. I wasn’t sure if old Ezra... anyway.”
He cocked his head ever so slightly.
“There’s something wrong with the world. You know that, don’t you?”
A rhetorical question, I assumed.
“Things fall apart, things that shouldn’t fall apart, ever. Our civilization is the epitome of stability. We’ve slain all the dragons, buried all the monsters. And yet...”
Again that absent-minded look, or a shadow of it – I couldn’t tell, so short it was. He collected himself instantly, which made me wonder if this all was a well-rehearsed show. I decided it wasn’t – I wasn’t important enough for him to attempt to deceive me.
“I’ve decided to secure my assets in a more... shall we say, active manner. I am putting together a force of experienced and loyal troops with some heavy equipment. Thank you for your earlier recommendation, by the way, I’ve already tasked lovely Miss Norah here with making a few calls. The point is... I’d like you to lead it. You have experience and, more importantly, you’ve passed the tests and surpassed all other candidates.”
He smiled again.
“You’ve got talent, Samuel. Hmm... can I call you Samuel?”
I nodded again. Of course the most powerful person in the room can call me Samuel. He could call me Lucy for all I cared because this whole thing meant one thing and one thing only. Fat paychecks.
“Good. Call me David then. Like I was saying, congratulations for passing the tests. Ezra picked you and he’s never, ever wrong about people. That’s how he got to live so long.”
I wasn’t sure if it was a joke. I strongly suspected it was not but I chuckled politely nonetheless. At that point, the lady took over. For some reason, she was still incredibly tense. She looked like she was reading notes, constantly looking down, yet there was nothing on the table – or anywhere else. Perhaps that’s how she copes with stress, I thought, but the only eye contact she gave me was a few quick glances.
“You’ll be leading our security force. A platoon of tanks and a company of soldiers. They all have experienced officers, so please don’t try anything funny. You’ll have to earn their respect as they have to earn yours. That is why...”
What the hell...
“Excuse me, Miss Ferguson...”
She gave me a very annoyed look – clearly hates being interrupted. This time, however, I had to.
“If you have your own experienced officers, sorry, but what do you need me for?”
Ignoring my question, she continued.
“That is why...”
“We need an outsider’s perspective, Samuel,” Murdoch intervened.
“Sometimes, a street-smart person like you are can see things differently. I’m sorry, Norah. Please continue,” he nodded at her, but this time, he also gave her a brief warning look. My feeling of unease returned with a vengeance. She pursed her lips, tucked her suit and continued, not looking at either of us.
“That is why you’ll undergo training together with them at our facility in Arizona. You’ll learn about them, they’ll learn about you... a few weeks’ worth, that’s all. Please report to our local HQ tomorrow morning at 8 AM for a tour and the paperwork. Have a nice evening, Mister Thorpe.”
They didn’t even ask me if I wanted to sign up in the first place. So sure they were. Yes, I did, but the entire day felt so uncanny, so surreal that I started getting second thoughts. What if this was some sort of an elaborate set-up. People like me, we don’t get this lucky. We don’t get lucky at all.
“Oh yes, almost forgot, Samuel... seeing how you might require some... things before you commit to our cause, I’ve authorized an advance payment as a token of our gratitude.”
I pulled out my cellphone and checked my bank account (never mind where they got the info...)
Jesus Christ... that’s an advance? What doubts I had were pushed aside at the sight of several digits, nicely lined up and waiting to be admired. My head felt so dizzy I almost didn’t hear Murdoch add “That will be all. Good night, Samuel.”
A sign I was dismissed. I rose from the chair, thanked for the dinner and said my goodbyes. As I was walking away from the table, I felt their eyes on my back but when I turned around, I could only see both of them deep in conversation.
In the lobby, I stopped to take a breath and to get that fiver out of my pocket. I was sweating and it wasn’t due to the unusually hot summer. I had to get out of there, collect my thoughts.
“You know, we made a bet how long it would take you to get thrown out by the cops.”
The valet was outside, leaning against the wall and smoking a cig. There was no-one else in sight so the line was clearly addressed to me. “And I lost. Good on you, brother.”
I passed him the banknote, after which he took one last puff and exhaled the smoke through the nostrils while throwing away the rest. For the short while it took him to bring the car around, I decided to take his example and leaned against the wall, staring at the evening sky. A red star was shining brightly where
I assumed the south must be. An omen perhaps? Time would tell.
A shower and a somewhat fitful sleep later, I was standing in front of a wide and inconspicuous office building at the address I was given. The panel above the door had the word “Perihelion” etched into it along with a symbol of a portion of a large circle with a smaller circle orbiting it. Ferguson was already waiting for me in the lobby with an air of impatience and self-confidence. She started walking towards me as soon as she noticed me, frowning all the way.
“Mister Thorpe. You’re... not late, but not early. In this business, it’s the early bird that gets the worm.”
A good start.
“Apologies, madam.”
She calmed down a tiny bit, nodding to herself.
“Now then, we have a lot to do in the next few hours.”
She led me to her office and I followed, carefully ignoring the curious looks the Perihelion employees gave me. The inside looked unusual – like a research and development facility rather than an office, sterile white corridors and people wearing suits mingling with white coat men and women that definitely looked like scientist. I couldn’t see anyone looking even remotely like a soldier with only a few bored-looking rent-a-cops patrolling in uniforms that looked ceremonial more than anything.
We’ve reach the elevator that took us to the second floor where Norah Ferguson’s office was located. It was a massive room lined with marble with the furniture in it made of exotic woods. This was more like what I had been expecting but the sheer size of the place and the costs required to make it look this way truly impressed me. The building wasn’t tall so the view wasn’t as impressive as befitted the room, but Lake Michigan glittered outside in the morning sun and I could even see several sailboats passing by – almost an idyllic sight for relaxation, well complemented by the quiet burbling of a small waterfall that formed a part of one of the stone-covered walls.
The lady made her way to her large, cluttered desk and started sifting through some papers. With nothing left to do, I continued observing the room and noticing a series of strange symbols carved into some of the stones lining the room that looked older than the others. In fact, they looked positively ancient and I had the distinct feeling they were once a part of some museum collection. I tried my luck playing smart.
“What?” She responded without even looking up from the work.
“The symbols on the wall.”
“Oh. Not quite.”
And that was about the extent of conversation I got from her the whole morning. After a few minutes, we moved to an adjacent conference room where we went through what seemed like a mountain of documents. Halfway through, I was already wondering how many forest acres fell to this contract alone. What was worse, I didn’t understand most of it anyway and I damn sure couldn’t afford a lawyer who would spend the better part of a year analyzing every single paragraph. In conclusion, it was like everything with corporations – if they want to screw you, they are going to do just that because the devil’s in the fine print. Ferguson provided some brief explanations and I pretended to understand them, but in the end, she might have just told me “sign here” – and I would have done that.
When we finally finished, it was past noon already. At some point, some other lady brought in a pile of sandwiches and coffee, which I hungrily devoured while attempting to read. Ferguson barely touched anything and I admired her restraint. As I finally placed the pen on the table and rubbed my eyes, she quickly assembled the paperwork into several neat stacks and was already waving at me to follow her.
Locking the meeting room behind her, she turned towards me, finally looking me in the eyes. Her nervousness was almost palpable at that moment.
“Look... I... “
Her eyes were darting all over the place.
“Sorry if we got off on the wrong foot. I’m glad to have you on board and so is Mister Murdoch. We’re just not used to working with outsiders of our organization and Mister Murdoch is...”
She struggled to express herself.
“....very protective of his mission. You’ll find out soon enough,” she sighed.
“There’s a helicopter on the roof that’s going to take you to the airport. There, you’ll take the company jet to Arizona and meet the troops at our base. They’re already waiting for you. I know it's a lot to take in but... there isn't much time.”
Her fleeting exhausted smile was somewhat apologetic and definitely the prettiest thing I’ve seen since morning. On that high note, I shook her hand, said my goodbyes and headed towards the elevator again – and to the beginning of my adventure.
The Storyline Campaign will consist of a number of episodes, each several weeks long. Each episode has its own rewards and objectives that appear one after another. The difficulty of each objective is determined by a number of factors that are described under each mission. To participate in the next episode, you must have completed the previous one and be registered.
But first things first. To participate in Episode 1, you need to have registered by submitting your name and by completing the relatively simple Prologue chapter.
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- dfrom
- DFV-67
- Diger
- Digereedoo
- Diletantul
- Dimitris_1
- DireStraits
- Discolitze
- DiuLeiLouMou
- DivCorazAriete
- Diver59
- Dizzyroque
- dj63
- DJAtomika
- djmk2548891
- DJronald
- dkhi
- DLdawg
- DocBrownPhD
- documets
- Dodelx
- DogAteHuman
- dogbert
- dogerek
- Doggy
- Dogtor
- DokdoClass
- Doktor_Plama
- dokuske
- domidieudo
- Don_Lucifer
- Donerkebab
- DonFurioso
- Donkey46
- DonPep
- Doodlehudson
- DooDooTank
- DoomedGrind
- Doppelpunkt
- Doruletz-DD
- double07
- Doublebug
- Dr_Dewey
- Drackenfells
- DraconiaKhan
- Draconis88
- DragoD13
- Dragon1969
- Dragon22
- Dragonbreath1
- DragonGodHakai
- Drajwer50
- Drakonus44
- DrAnThRaX
- Dreamer45
- Dreganos
- DrLeft
- drohr
- DrowPL
- DrTwilight
- Drunk_Tanker
- DrunkenTank
- Dual_Clone_34
- DubbDubb
- duckbill
- DudeJumboXD
- Duintje
- duklak64
- DunkelUlfson
- Dusk
- dxx9664
- Dyloo
- DziadekZUS
- Dzsoksz
- dzvladimer
- eagle811
- Eagleeye66
- Earthquake
- easeas
- EcchiNoSama
- ecofresh553
- Edelhonk
- edfrancis
- Edgatron
- EdsallDD219
- Edway
- Eerter
- Efina
- eggplant
- EgidijusZ
- Echo_69er
- Eisbaerle
- Eisen_Schwein
- Eisenfeile
- Eisenherz
- EisernerGustav
- Eisman72
- Electprism
- Elegost
- elesander
- eleven78
- elfenliesel
- Elgnom
- elitemolo
- Elitetiger99
- ElKamote
- ellenas
- elli2557
- Elvis_BiH
- elx1949
- Emleen
- Emperor_Brian
- empire_king
- EmpyreanYZ
- Enclave
- EnderJagerBR
- Enigma9216
- enjoleur
- Ensen
- Epicredeemer
- Equinoxxx
- Eramir
- Erca001
- EricDraven7
- ErikaHartman
- Erokami
- EroticTank
- ErTaffeta
- ErTitoZer
- eRu_83
- Eskobar68
- espartano1
- EternalNight
- eugene3083
- EugenNeko
- Eugo_2900
- eurovaltrans
- everton1
- excaptain44
- Exocet6951
- Exoradant
- Extortion301
- Eyesofgore
- Eypon
- F3NRI3
- Faalk
- FactualHarber7
- Fairburne
- Falcon1976_1
- Falcon2000
- Falchion_Talon
- Fanlip
- fantank
- Fantasm90
- faouziDZ
- Farfinder
- Farollo377
- FearlessFlobby
- fec791
- Feca85
- Felted
- Feneghar
- Fent
- fierytw
- fighter67
- Final_Gambit
- fInko
- Fire_N_Brimston
- firebird820
- Firehunde
- firetruck
- Fit4Warfare
- fjhwl
- Fking_BB
- fladmitry
- Flameon985
- Flankersu27
- flasa4
- Flavio93Zena
- FlaxDkay
- Fler821
- Flobik
- Fociak
- Fooferton
- ForestryScience
- Forvet
- Fourskale
- foutman
- FOX099
- FOX1973
- Foxtrot_Hotel
- foxucjusz
- Fr33C4ndy
- fR3aK1n
- franciszek992
- Frankkieke-Belg
- Franky68
- FrankyNishizumi
- Freakazoid79
- Freddy_Duck
- freddy_z0ckt
- freegunner1234
- Freelancer_Skye
- Freelancer19
- frechdax77
- friedenspanzer
- Fritten
- frogi21a
- Frogviller
- ftkatoo
- fullhd144hz
- funkycop
- FunkyGoblin
- furiana75
- Furias
- Fuselix
- FusigonusPuf
- G_a_n_d_a_l_f
- G_Grinder
- Gaargoil
- gabedu10
- Gable
- Gadon
- Gaenith
- gaertner
- Ga-Hare
- gambler9164
- GamerFR06
- gamerof
- Games4up
- gandalf39
- gangof4
- Gargamel0
- gargamel2005
- GauntsGeister
- Gauvain_III
- Gavisk
- Gbaggnation
- gecBG
- General_Blue
- General_Gamer
- General_GMAC
- General_Mehran
- Genomele
- GenosseR
- Gentil
- geomal
- Georg007
- georges_gr
- GeorgeShang
- georgiosgt
- Gepardy
- Gery86
- GewO
- GHI1029
- GHOB60
- GhosT0850
- GhostFasas
- GibbenKante
- GibbousMaximus
- GiftmischerNel
- GigaGamer
- Gigant_rejser
- Gimlett
- Gimpor
- GirigiriEye
- Giuda
- gizmo91
- Gladimir
- gloknar
- Gluten
- gn38007
- Goddess_Athena
- GodlikeKott
- Gogmagog
- Gogu0109
- goldi4728162
- GolemXIV
- gonso8
- goodaym8
- Goodkarmahimsel
- goodman528
- Goodwillhunting
- Gooze2021
- goroupenguin
- Gorrann
- gr33kfr3k
- grabben2000
- GRABBITornot
- Grabensau
- grampeer
- Grassii
- gre38120
- GredataBG
- Greeliyahu
- Green_Round
- GreenEye
- Greewi
- Greggorius1
- GreiShoutmon
- grennythemaster
- griffster
- Grim_Guardian
- grimmomens
- gringo
- Grohiikbrom
- Gromal-72
- GrozZ
- GrrRawr
- Grzechu34
- Grzesio119
- GS_Langkeit
- Guerreiro
- GuessThatMeme
- Gulliver42
- Gunner1414
- Gurani
- Gustikas
- Gutty
- Guyde
- GuyVenom
- GwenADu
- GWFitch71
- Hackerx31337
- Hades58
- Hades69
- Halfskeloton
- hamer101
- Hamiradon
- hanaiel
- HanChoa
- Hannibal_I
- hanscoffee1st
- Hansi-001
- hany91
- HanysB
- Hanysuana
- Happy_Mower
- harakiwi
- Harkin
- hart2000
- harutti
- Hasphant
- HasplerBob
- Haswell
- Hauste
- Havoc199
- Havok1o1
- havranCZ
- Hawk91
- Hayashi_Rin
- heavymetalnoise
- HeesDeadJim
- Heinzielein
- heitaizia43
- Helferlein_snip
- Helikaon
- Heliostyle
- HelixJr
- Hellcat-01
- Hellcat43
- Hellhammer2
- hellheat
- HellhoundPL
- HellJr
- hellprayer13
- Hellraisor
- herald17
- Herbix
- Herko11
- herostratus80
- HerrGruber
- Herrjue
- HicchyHicch
- HiddenTalent
- Higgens2
- hjwbot
- Hlavatej
- HN12
- Hobocron
- Hoffmanni
- Hofmann
- hollowduck
- Holmes4x
- Holy_Omega
- HonicStatov
- honotu
- HonzaGMS
- hopeness
- hopterque
- Horadrim
- Horsy
- Horten5775
- Hoschi2000
- houskar_mates
- Howzzat
- Htoma
- hub098
- HudsonHawk
- hulksmash
- hulla
- HumGaaCaan
- hunok
- hunterbot300
- huntermasto
- Huntley
- HurtfulOutcomes
- HusarPL
- Hyena
- Hyperion12001
- Hyppoforalkus09
- ch20630
- ChalkDust
- ChampionPJ
- Channel
- ChaoLiZiPao
- ChaosCommander
- ChargedFool5
- Charlie3310
- Charlton67
- chel00
- Cheonan
- chesudaka
- Chet_Ubetcha
- Chief_Keyes
- chilla501
- ChillSix
- chinjyao_rosu
- ChiricoQuvie
- Chivas98
- Choixer
- Chrauber1
- Chrion
- ChrisFoxxo
- christ351
- Chrsp255
- ChunkyVomit
- church_cheetah
- ChuTuoc
- I_Tijara_I
- I5Hammer
- Iamanoob
- IceCreamDan
- IceKuemmerling
- iceT974
- ICKE381
- idiocy
- IggyPop77
- Ignachinio
- IJN_Admiral
- Ilijiamin
- ilis
- Immortal2
- Inclementer
- IndigoSnowman
- Indomie
- IngvarrTyr
- Inquisitorus
- Inuchiyo
- Iosifek
- Iraqwarvet03
- Iron_Man
- Iron_Monti
- Ironfang
- Ironpedro
- Iron-Samurai
- IronTiger98
- IrrQ
- irvs351
- israelite
- ItalianStyle
- itzjustrick
- Ivan9797
- ivand73
- ivo_lution
- IvoryMoonLight
- Ivyus
- Iwory
- izaitom
- izaitom2
- jacko
- JackRabbit
- Jagdar69
- Jaguar75
- Jaime_Gatling
- JakeThePeg
- jakub-wedrowycz
- jam_ahjusshi
- Jamzs3-AU
- Jane_Saphiro
- jaokiller223
- jbsontra
- jbwoo
- jeannelle1
- Jecklen_Hyde
- jedi974
- JeffNox
- JekyllnHyde
- JellyBean
- Jeniu
- Jenkin_Jones
- Jessica241
- JFalcon
- Jhenga22
- Jindale
- JinIkeda
- Jirik_AW
- JJackson
- JJPershing
- JKay
- jlmariscal
- joalgoab
- Jodel_Jochen
- JoeDoe1
- JoePike
- JohnC121B
- johni215
- Johnny_Yuma
- jollij
- joncevski
- joni890
- Jonieryk
- Jonolitium4
- Jonse
- JookerNy
- Jovan321HD
- jpmc0000
- Judicator65
- Juergen
- julian554327
- JWrightAW
- Jyliac
- K3_Blackbear_A1
- kacerdva
- kadmich
- kaine82
- KaiserKent
- Kakkaa
- kalam_1973
- Kalladan
- Kalmisto
- Kamikaze2020
- Kampfpudding
- Kannixx
- KaotixGod
- Kaptain_Kirk
- Kardaloz
- Kareska
- karlovcan_2015
- karooll
- kas982
- kass69
- Kassy
- katana8989
- kater1s
- katoda_ltd
- Katsumoto
- KayGee
- kazniachtl
- Kazuhira95
- Kazuto_Naruse
- Keahana_NL
- KedoCZ
- Keenwolfe
- Keifer70
- keineahnung0815
- Keleb
- Kelkuza
- Kell_Hound
- kenneth0yan
- kerberos77
- Kess_tdt
- Kessen
- kettenaffe
- Kharnas
- khfredo
- kicknofWOW
- kika
- Kiklop73
- Kill_there
- Killasmile
- Killer_Plautze
- KillnGrill
- Kilreed
- kimica
- King_Icefyre
- KingGeorge1
- Kinsky
- KiryuCoco
- Kissofblade
- Kivaari
- Kiyochi
- kkndking
- kkzz233
- Klieve
- Klmn
- kmbaddrugs
- Knarr
- Knewone
- Knightfalcon
- kninety
- Knuddelwolf
- Knutliott
- Kobra_SRB_01
- KodiakBear
- KoileHart
- koko55660
- kokokielo
- Kokone
- konzervnyito02
- Korkyns
- korsakof
- Korvre
- Kotofey67
- kovasati
- KrashDown
- Krauser91
- KrazyPanda
- KreatusLucina
- Kriegal
- Krieger2297
- Krieghoff
- Kriegshund91
- Kriegwagon
- Krikorn
- Krilll
- Krol83
- krombatt
- Kronos1952
- Krosulh
- krumpa
- Kryzariq
- KrzakNorris
- krzychsus
- KRZYS2477
- Kuba3690
- kuba7108
- KUBI_is_Great
- Kuhluh1
- Kuhmis
- Kuiper
- kula631
- KumKat
- kupselos
- kusy
- KWBlair
- Kyoko_Igarashi
- KyRaBoT
- KyraZier
- ladik79
- Laemmi
- LaevaSin
- lakij
- Laknat
- Land_Possum
- Lanister12
- Lasse
- Lastwordz
- Laszlo1975
- lato86
- LaurelLeaves
- Le0T4nker
- Leanderthal
- Lee3y
- leechpike
- Legacy
- lechnow
- leleblock
- Lemovice
- Lenzabi
- leo_toro
- Leo999
- LeoAegisMaximus
- LeOn05
- Leon72
- Leonidasos
- Leoryn
- LeSmallz
- LesProux
- Let_it_Shrek
- Levty
- lf20107
- Lhynn
- LiangLiang
- Liebefrei
- LieberFrei
- LightBlade
- LIN07382
- Lingl
- linlp7668
- linua
- LiNusA
- Lion_66
- lionleader
- liseklisek
- Liszon
- LittleBadge
- Littleenos
- ljhak4526
- ljussake
- llTritaTutto
- Lofty
- LoneWolf_65
- LordVorontur
- losevilospl
- Lost_Myst
- lowkaga
- Loyallyon
- loydsnake
- Lt_Blechtonne
- Lt_Don_Shaljian
- LTForge
- LTPong
- lubos815
- Lucypher666
- Luftwaffles8919
- Lukehousefly
- Lumen
- Lumperion
- Lumpi
- Lvnor
- LynxAmurie
- Lyrium
- Lysdexic
- M2481
- M3pit
- Ma1k0
- macieklu
- MacSyverson
- Macwuschel
- madara06
- MadMagic
- MadSlob
- mafas01
- MaffoXD
- MagnusBarca
- Magoo62
- MahoNishizumi71
- MachMet_Hood
- MaikAxt
- Mailman911
- Majestik
- majkimajk133
- Major_Blunt
- Major_Degtarev
- Major_TOM_SR
- MajorChapert
- MajorTannhauser
- maka_rov
- makis13
- makrele69
- MAKros
- MAKsos
- Mallc
- Malonesgrl
- Malthael11
- mamamaiaaa
- mambalescouille
- man222
- Managi_koga
- Mangzap
- Maniacu
- manolitoESP
- manticore07
- Marc0ZTM
- Margot
- marine0351W
- mariokamada
- MarioVegas
- markabrunn
- marose_123
- marqez111
- MartaN
- Martin1977
- Martis_Horn
- marys081
- Mashal_Vader
- Masre_of_Pupets
- MasterCoinCoin
- MasterHAX
- mastercheef61
- MasterOfTheOrde
- mat_rix
- Matchstick
- matzethegerman
- Mauiboy2016
- Mausi111
- mauvic
- Maverati
- Max_Insanity
- MaxHeadroom
- maxkilz
- maxmathew
- Maxster
- Maybe268
- Mazzy273
- MB72
- Mbsk01
- Mbsk02
- McCansee
- McGiggles
- mcnguenbb
- MCP64
- medhir98
- Medic1968
- Medicmojo
- meesa
- MechanicaJackal
- Meiriceanach
- mejang
- MeKelGachy
- Meleaca
- meliadus
- MemeKV
- Men_Cor
- Menoetius
- Mereel07
- Mest
- MetaIWrath
- MetalThunder
- MetroM4
- mgdriver
- mholt51
- miaz74
- Micah_Bell
- Mid_Knight
- Midgardssoener
- midnightash
- mighty890
- MightyMouse10
- Migmeik2000
- Michalrutek
- MikeAvatar
- mikyb
- milan08
- MilanoMiliz
- MilitaryTycoon
- MILKA-Metro21
- Milordas75
- mi-loup
- mimimi
- minart
- MinceCore
- minimaxHH
- MiraFatalis
- Miranda
- mirhaus
- Mirko101010
- missing_nick
- Mister_Wolf
- MixU2923
- Mjolner
- MK_Regular
- Mk2Griefer
- MKkFox
- mlch
- mlody1982
- mlody355
- MnementhPL
- MOCKBA2008
- moebo
- Mohawk55a
- Molotov-Charger
- Mondfuchs
- Monoace
- Monty_Varns
- Monty1951
- Moondragor
- Moonwater
- MOrab46019
- Moravskykarosak
- Morderian
- mort_tm
- mortar28
- Mortisss
- Morvaiman
- Mosquito55
- Moto
- Motostrelec
- Moufo
- moupp
- MovingTargets7
- mozkomor000000
- Mozosaur
- Mpc1965
- Mr_Fuggy_Moto
- Mr_okba
- Mr_Sharp
- mral2012
- mraz007
- MrBurns23
- MrDiapersXP
- MrFreedom
- MrHate
- MrChompy
- mrkiller
- mrluigi084
- MrLuzifer
- MrMakata
- mrowa
- MrSpergOut
- Muaddibb
- Muauva
- MudslideSlim
- mulder907_2
- Multigeneral
- munch
- MunioGonzales
- Muppet613
- Muspel
- Muzzle_Flash
- Muzzleloader
- MW777
- MwhY1S
- MX52006
- MyHentaiGirl
- myj987
- n0tched
- N3cr0n0m
- N3RD12512
- N3vvB33
- N7EagIe
- Nabilianer
- Nahise
- Najlvin
- NakadashiKing
- NAKEX333
- NakoPeti
- Nakupenda
- NalidaS
- Nalle_Bear
- NamesOreo
- NanbuKyosuke
- narkisos
- Narnman
- Narrative
- narwany
- Naseweiss
- Naterial
- Nathan84
- Ne0niX
- needen
- Neidhart
- Neko_29
- Nekrosmas
- nelkil
- Neocidol
- NeroLight
- neron21
- Netherstorm
- NeunFingerJoe
- nevimcosem
- NicktheProf
- nico40a
- NicoleGamingGal
- nighthawk144
- Nihtwaco
- Nikolaevna
- ninja500x
- Nitrium
- nitroasp
- Nitta
- NoEffectDagger
- nolja
- NoMAnn
- nomis1965
- Noobak
- Noobdown
- Noobster47
- noohdlez
- nookie
- Noonelikesyou
- Norse_Viking
- Nougat_Finten
- Nova67
- Novafox25
- NSAdonis
- Nuckey
- Nuisance_Value
- NukeLordRaptor
- numatz
- Nur_MonGos
- NVnHappY
- O_ob
- o0LordMartin0o
- Obelix_AC
- ObiWan28
- Obstaculo
- odinskrieger
- OfTruth
- ogmike73
- OGsmoke
- Ogur77
- ohman
- oilunnt
- okonis
- Oldeye
- OldGarfild
- Old-Lemmy
- Oldomant
- OldPanther
- OldReliable
- oldscout1986200
- Olethros
- oli84
- oliver6363
- Ollinator
- Omenke33
- Onk3lPuppy
- onqwer
- oOFreddyOo
- OpaSchlumpf
- Orange_Eagle
- Ores555
- Ork_Waaagh
- Orkytom
- OSF_d_R
- osmacar
- OSN-83
- OSSASinate
- OSTBtsmAlbert
- oswarior
- osztovi
- Otto
- OttoCarius1945
- ovk8102
- Owi-B-Esk
- ozzoman
- P4nzerMarmelade
- Padavaj
- PaddyCat
- Paindemonium
- PajdaMkAW
- PakFa01
- Paladin1969
- Paladin52
- Paladin69
- Paleta
- Panagion
- PandaGore
- pannekoekert
- PanzerfahrerTo
- PanzerPate
- PaPa_Matze
- Papa_Sc0rch
- papounet-16
- Paramirum
- Parker96734
- parsslinger1967
- Partrik2010
- Partypaco
- PaterBrown
- PatchO
- patriezier
- Patuljak981
- paulepaule
- paulhewsoon
- pawelk
- Pawik1991
- Paword
- pbranco168
- PcDnZl
- Pe_com_Pano
- Peacemakerr
- pekele
- Pentagrama
- PereZ_345
- Perzel
- Pesa
- PetaPan
- PettankoFTW
- peze52
- Pfad_der_Tugend
- Phantom101010
- Phantom1956
- Phi_Alpha_Kappa
- Phill_23
- Phoenix
- Phyadain
- pcheniek
- Pi0ve
- Pinochio74
- pippilocca
- PitViperRsnake
- pivniskaut
- Pixelpapsto
- PLaYeR4ChAoS
- PleSeries
- Plorz
- Plt_Tuzgureanu
- polar_fox
- PolishLegend
- Polo_pl18
- Pondelok
- Poopsmithodian
- pop2507
- Popom
- porkpotpie
- Portowiec74
- posd2152
- pottosgpv3
- potucek
- poussinours73
- PoweRJoghurT
- Predator-Gr
- premont
- prenzlau1988
- Preussen_83
- PrimeSinister
- Princess_Luna
- PrinzHubabuba
- Prism501JFW
- Profaites
- Prokic90
- Prolion
- ProMyka
- ProSatan
- Proto275
- Proxy_One
- Prydwen_brien
- PS_Tod
- PSChild
- Psilord
- psychokev
- psychrophil
- PsyWarrior
- Psywarrior19
- Psyxakias
- Ptitluc65
- Puddurr
- PudiPL
- puky_cro
- PulanCur
- Puncy
- PurpleLXXIII
- pvtbobo
- pwp71
- Pyhriel
- Pz_Titan
- q60406
- Qbicle
- QJerryXianQ
- quagga09
- QuantumRanger
- QuarterSqyishy
- qwer_1
- r_001Ar20no16
- r_i_z_e
- R_M_B
- Rabidcorgi
- rabiwatt
- radar17892
- radek458pl
- Radi1405
- Radocha12
- radus1975
- raf2103
- raffnienix
- RagnarLothbrook
- RagnarSchulz
- Rahn_Coe
- RaidenEnnis
- Raimundos
- Rakam
- raketenchali
- ralle1307
- RamaA
- rambo30
- Rammstein012345
- RampagingMars
- RandoBF3
- RankKiller25
- Raph-the-Raven
- RapsodyNL
- Rapy_cz
- RascaI
- RasDragonslayer
- RatPoison
- raubmuecke
- Raul64
- Raven_Soul_1
- Ravenwing_129
- Raveshaw8492
- RavielSalazzar
- Ravion_Loken
- Razide
- rbt100018
- rcmm
- rdt2000
- RealSourkraut
- reaper2021
- Reaperten1
- ReaperXIX
- reccoeresso
- Red_Disaster
- RedBad007
- Red-baron1994
- reditelvesmiru
- Redleg7
- RedLight
- rednake
- Redork
- redq
- RedSkyAtNight
- Red-Storm
- Rembolt007
- Rene_Twente
- ReRay
- Re-Subaru
- Revenant117
- RevengeIron
- Rewej2
- ReyKusanagi
- Reznov13
- Ricewind
- rifrafjonesy
- Righteous_Man
- Rimondis
- Rio284
- Rixk
- Rmanrr
- RN54
- Roadi
- Roach2
- RobertFultz
- robertmi
- robetoman
- Robik69
- roblud2004
- Robsonn
- Rockabilly69
- rockent32
- RockRaider42
- Rodor01
- RogueJumper
- roki1761
- romaxdererste
- ronronron
- Roopom
- Rootkin1989
- Roscar
- Rosentahl
- rottenbyte
- Rowi
- RRuiz92
- Ruppental
- RussianDoge
- RUSSification
- Ruzovka
- ryder
- Ryder141
- rympax
- Ryuk1976
- Ryulka
- S3RO1346
- S4kril3g
- SaarSturm
- Sabre_Tooth
- Sabrewolf
- sacoco
- Sadonkorjaaja
- sagvanmaslo
- Sahhe
- sainf
- Sainzelli
- sakroe
- Sakuru
- SaltyAutist
- Salvo
- San_Michael
- Sandra91
- santula
- Sartrain
- SASGamer_Pro
- Satkaz
- Saulie
- Saya85
- Sazara
- Sazuky
- sc_tooru
- Scanpie
- Scarnelt
- SciroccoOne
- scoobydoo919
- Scorpiobz
- Scorvok
- Scout51
- scrat2335
- Searix
- Sebais
- Sebastian_Grimm
- SegeberGER
- SecherNbiw
- Seifer7
- SeinNameWarBeni
- seirahayakawa
- SenInt
- Sepp149
- Serberus1985
- Sergeant_Bill
- sergeantjim
- SerchTeck
- serialdead
- serkangumus
- serwerygier
- severius
- SFCMalone
- sgmace
- Sgt_Waffle
- SgtDream
- sh2626262
- SH3517
- ShadowComandPro
- shadowood
- Shadowsworn
- Shadowwolve
- Shadw
- Shaele
- Shawn99
- shing_shang
- ShiRaYa
- sHizzLFoRiZzLe
- Shmex
- Shoizin
- Shoobedoo
- Shootiken
- shyvanatesic123
- Schadenfreud
- Schadenvolk
- Schansonblade
- Scharnhorst87
- Schattenkrieger
- Schildmauer
- Schiwago
- Schlock
- Schmiddy1991
- Schmutzteufel
- Schneefuchs
- Schnitter_Zwei
- Schnittertm
- schrott
- SchrubbeDieKatz
- SchwarzFrost
- Sicario69
- SidBridges24
- Sidewinder_50
- siegfriedn
- SieJan
- SiemaSeppo
- Sierra_R
- Siggur
- Signal9
- SigneFURAX
- siivy
- Sila_Zemli
- Silencemoon
- Silent1NE
- Silent-Death
- SilentStormer
- Silver
- SilverHawke
- Silversurfer70
- Silverton
- simolens
- single_fighter
- Sir_Gus
- SirAmra
- SirDouglas
- SirKlasu
- SirPeanut
- Sir-Stephan
- SirVival
- Sitr3p
- sixor82
- skalnak
- Skandal85
- SkintFire
- Skjenngard
- skkomrad
- Skull1401
- Skunt_Bread
- SkyboundInfil
- Skye1975
- skylark26
- skylinedark
- slawomir28
- Slayer51
- Slon
- Slow_As_Hell
- Slow_blues
- Slow_Ride
- Smeghedd117
- snaf30
- snakeyes1948
- sniper1022007
- SniperHnoi60
- Snoekie
- Snomanmake
- SNOW_4eVeR
- snowfox524
- SnowyHearth
- Sokkar-1
- Solarne
- Soldat47
- Sollo
- Solstafir
- somehowgaming
- SomnusSenior
- Somrug
- sooner62
- Sorenou
- Soulflare
- Sovietcon
- spacefrogg
- SpaceMorter
- Spartan0090
- Spartiata
- Spaten66
- Spawn2403
- Spearhead
- Spieler-1
- Spiffor
- SpiritOfNoPen
- Spiritus_Mundi
- Spitfire
- Spoonfang
- spuddog
- Spyder
- Spychacz
- Spyrko
- Spyshadow01
- Squadman89
- squishypotato
- SSPlum
- st33lsh4d0w
- st741963456
- Stabbingtime
- StaehlernerHans
- Stahl230
- Stahlvormund92
- stallan
- stampf74
- StarFriend
- Staufener
- Stealth_71
- Stearman101
- Steel_Factory
- Steel_Gentleman
- Steelem
- steelewheels
- Steeley
- steelforce61
- SteelHeroe
- steinnuss_fk
- sterma
- steven1967
- Steven92
- StiltedKiwi28
- Stinger952
- Stirls_MDFC
- Stone_GP
- storm111
- Stormbreaker_42
- Stormlord
- Straddle
- Stratzi
- StrayCatTerry
- Strezemir
- Stricky_AW
- Strikele
- Strikele1
- strikerarmy
- Strontium_Dog
- stuch
- Sturmtrupp
- Sturmvogel_53
- Suberb
- SubZero1979
- Sugambrer
- SuLac0
- Sum-Dum-Guy
- Sunny21979
- Super_Conqueror
- Super_J-K
- Supremeovrlord
- Supurtya
- Surlytanker
- Surtr
- Susanowo_1998
- Sutaa
- SuwalskiYaReX85
- Sverige
- SVK_Panter_304
- Sw4t3
- Swarmy
- Sweetums
- SwinkaPepa
- SwordHarmony
- syruptoaster
- szigma73HUN
- SZymoin666
- T4Ki
- T90tank_1
- TA55U
- Tacos15
- Tahona
- Tachikoma_0808
- Tachyon-Sierra
- taimo123
- TakeTh1s
- Takitoseja
- Talloc
- Talyus
- Tamahagen
- Tango-33A
- Tank_Sniper
- TANK-183
- Tank1967_2013
- tank2402
- Tankboy10
- Tankerdarius
- tankerka
- TankFranky
- Tank-Girl-Lisa
- tankhunter0815
- tankist_49
- Tankkiller1965
- Tankratte
- Tanksofnew
- Tanktostepone
- TankU
- TanK-x
- TankXD777
- TaperHarley
- Taqu
- Target_Dummy
- Tarkus
- Tathris
- tazol
- TazzyMap
- TBFreak
- TeamM6123
- Tebor
- TeeDee
- TeKa
- Temelliuov
- tempest1944
- Tempy_Brzeszczot
- Tenam
- Terminator
- Terminator1983
- teufala
- Tevix
- Tex_PGR
- TeyKey1
- Th3_Unstabl3
- Th3M1ghtyT1ny
- ThaDonV
- Thammer51
- The_Joninator
- The_mad_Midget
- The_Viking68
- The5thchild
- TheBaconTank
- TheDgamesD
- TheGalatronPL
- TheGamerH20
- TheGreenTank
- theInvincible
- Thelockest
- The-Madman
- The-Merser
- TheMightyEquino
- TheNightkin
- ThePinkUnicorn
- ThePsychoCat
- TheQuietOne
- Thernadomguy
- TheSerpentMage
- theschorsch
- thetankking
- thewolfpack
- thierryimmel
- ThirdPanther
- Thorn66
- Thorolfson
- Thrawen
- thud
- Thunderbird_SDR
- ThunderShark1
- ThunderTrack
- Thunderzakke
- Thurim
- Tiberius_Tigris
- Tiffy
- Tigaranto
- Tiger1964
- tiger2b428
- Tigerlover
- TigerMarkIII
- Tigger
- tigre37
- tiltsur
- TimMardon
- TinyMan07
- TiR0X
- TiranoAW
- Tiroler_Adler
- Tjsolomon
- Tleac615
- TnkDstroyr
- tnslo
- Tobias_Saibot22
- TobiichiOrigami
- Todagamler1
- Todoh
- Todor14x
- toGh
- tokarev3
- Tolos
- Tom_Jones_72
- Tomatenernter
- tomcat_SRB
- Tomchy
- Tomin4tor
- Tomitsu
- tomjel45
- TommY0214
- tommy1963god
- TomXone
- Toni14
- Tony_01
- topitom
- TopSgt
- TornySVK
- Torti007
- Tortinita
- ToyaMizuki
- Trafalga99
- Tratos_163TLT
- Treedstrike
- trekchu
- Tric
- TrippleX
- truhhman
- Tryme
- Tsooky_FR
- Tsurupettan
- Tucilezy
- tudor26
- Tuna
- Tunarean
- Tuncy89
- Turbo_The_Anima
- Turbolax
- TurnipFarmer
- Turnschuh
- Tutulinek
- TWC_Caladborg
- TwistedIron
- Tyrex321
- Tyschtick
- Tzomb
- U_45820953
- Uglyn
- Ultilus
- UnbreakableX
- UncleVoo
- Unforgiven75
- Uniworld
- UnknowFood21
- uNKnownTanker
- UrsulPolar
- Urtron
- usernamecreated
- USMA1979
- UszczeliX
- Uwotm8
- uxo_dk
- uzi012
- Uziela
- V0lcanF1re
- V3ntilator
- v3ntore
- vaam63
- Vadasz81
- vadda959
- Valiux
- ValiVaDoboara
- Valkyrie7
- valvatos_sol
- Vaskereszt
- VegaTeks
- Vego1977
- Veithi1968
- Veldmaarschalk
- Velside
- Velvet_Remedy
- vert45
- Verygoood
- Vilda23
- Vimana71
- violinista
- Vionicks
- VIP3543
- Viper_Commander
- vipers7
- vitjaba96
- Vixere
- vlad39
- voivod32
- volldabei1
- von_Grimm
- von_chom
- von_mistont
- von_Rummelsdorf
- VonBach86
- Vorelus
- Vovencjusz
- voxx22
- VTek46
- VulgarBenji
- W00dbury
- w4rf4re
- Waazuup
- Wackensack
- WaffenAK
- waidler
- waldmeister1
- Wallo
- Wansui
- wargamer7
- Warhorse_6
- Wariron
- warlord4330
- Wasulf
- watergod_pushup
- Watrus
- wattu
- Waverley
- Weber13
- WehrmachtBunny
- Weirdwolf
- Weol
- werewolf1966
- WernerBT
- WerwolfBS
- whany1234
- What_crysis
- WheeledWarrior
- Whiskeybravo
- WhiteBlood
- WhiteCannibal
- WhiteHunterr
- whitechart
- Wiedersehen
- wiedzmin44
- WildBiker
- WildHunterPl
- WildMirage2
- WileECayote
- wilkmorski
- Will_Whiskey
- WillDie4Money
- windows_xp
- wingstar
- Winkielmaister
- winterfeldt
- Wisewolf_Horo
- WjndWalk3r
- WODZU123098
- Wojtazz
- wokulski81
- wolf_al
- wolf054
- Wolf-69
- Wolfaar
- Wolfman22
- Wolleberlin
- Wolt_01
- wopo
- WraZz
- WTF211
- wusch70
- ww60
- Wylliwerkel
- Wynne
- x9x0x8x4
- Xarven
- xave72
- Xbob0815
- xeene
- Xektorium-X
- xgamerx2
- XiaomuFox
- xiaoyu2580
- xJsullivanJx
- Xorphitus
- xRoCC
- XsiedIT
- Xtinction999
- xtripple19x
- Xtro1
- XxBL00Dx0PSxX
- XxcukaxX
- xxdd
- XxkwasnyxX
- xxxBERKUTxxx
- XxXDarknesXxX
- Y3llowbird
- Yago
- yani1951
- Yanlizkurt34
- YebZeSkilla
- Yelayah
- Yeshim
- Yinglet450
- Yippy_Zippy
- ymb7
- yoloman1224
- YonatanValerie
- yongang
- YOoy
- Yorkos
- YorkshireGold
- Yumeth
- Yxel
- Yxteisttuhat
- Z3fix
- Zacom
- zakuzambot
- Zarax_dk
- zaxon
- zdenda
- Zedarot
- zefir2001
- zeneger83
- Zenkeh
- Zenyadmondata
- Zeorymer
- Zerhuskly
- Zerkov
- ZeRoyal
- Zi3lu
- zibioroko
- zibzib
- ZIO2600
- Zip50
- zipopeye
- ZKILL_G-doza-MB
- Zlatkon
- ZoliHUN001
- Zoomie932
- Zorlos
- Zorobabel
- Zoxx
- Zullu-09
- zupermanneke
- ZzEzredes
The good news is, even if you missed out on Prologue, you can still catch up and become eligible to participate in the campaign. There are four ways to do this:
- Way of the Warrior:
You are a part of the Perihelion infantry outfit undergoing training under Samuel Thorpe. There aren’t enough tanks to train everyone, but, luckily for you, Perihelion also purchased a couple of obsolete IFVs for training.
To become eligible for the Storyline Campaign, win 100 PvE matches or 70 PvP (Random Battle) matches using one of the following vehicles: BMP-1 or BMP-2 until the end of Episode 1 (which will take several weeks, so there’s plenty of time).
Please note that these PvP/PvE objectives cannot be combined. You complete one or the other, but they do not add up in any way. You can complete this objective at any point during the Episode – you will become retroactively eligible to all the prizes of the Episode missions you have completed. In other words, if you aren’t eligible right now (having missed the Prologue chapter), you can start with the first mission (as described below) and only complete the Way of the Warrior mission at the end of the episode, at which point you receive the reward and will be added to the list of eligible players.
This is the main and most reliable way to obtain access.
- Way of the Merchant:
You are a small-time dealer procuring arms, spare parts and other military items for Perihelion – whatever the customer desires. You decide to align with Perihelion because you can smell profits from a mile away. Conflict’s good for business and this might be a big one. You can become eligible immediately by purchasing the Perihelion bundle via MY.GAMES Market – as simple as that.
Click here to open the Market website and acquire the bundle.
Please note that this list may not be actual, but it will be updated regularly.
- Baba_of_Noobs
- baba-yaga-xxxl
- Battle_Llama
- biermsch11
- Blabla123
- Blokhow
- bloodred0114
- Bluedust
- bluesteelxyz
- bulsoryung
- CabiHun
- Capt_Chaos
- Cascozi
- Cdnarmy30
- ColinM
- CommanderConner
- Countz
- Cpt_Kev217
- czaniec13
- DemonCarroll
- Destroyer92777
- domidieudo
- Dosi
- Dragonbreath1
- Dragonshooter
- Drakonis
- Drdaks
- DredNaughtie
- Ersatzteil
- EugenNeko
- Ex_inkkari
- Fenreth
- FireFrost2
- Flankersu27
- FN2725
- franciszek992
- GarmrXUSAF
- geek0505
- GibbousMaximus
- Grimsister
- HaCkMuFFiNe99
- HarrasmentPark
- HereCreepers
- Hitmankiller
- Hockir
- HolyDragoon
- Hrimfaxy
- Huhu
- I5Hammer
- IceKuemmerling
- IHugoI
- jad13
- jbwoo
- JeffNOX
- Jimmygrey
- juremod
- Kairene_R
- kennyboot
- Kess-Tdt
- Killasmile
- kimica
- MacDusty93
- MagnusBarca
- MajorMarco45
- Marshal_Elite
- MartaN
- Mason_Wong
- Mazzy273
- Mensha-Khaine
- Merkava1001
- Methos911
- Monkeynuts
- MsgtMarl
- Multesimus
- Muzzle_Flash
- myj987
- N3RD12512
- ninja474
- NukeMutant
- okonis
- OSF_d_R
- Overheateconomy
- panzerstaale
- Penguinkiller
- Phalyr
- Phelpsy_Phelps
- PilotBBC123
- Platinumsniper
- PlayerPL
- popo1306
- prizrak86
- Protocol
- PureZX
- PVTTrulyBlind
- Quadan
- Rabiwatt
- raspyspacegod
- Redork
- Righteous_Man
- Sehven
- Sgt_Reckless
- SGWannaBe
- shadowood
- Shmex
- Simon_RIley_141
- sinsin01
- Sobink
- Stinger952
- SturmOstfriese
- Surlytanker
- Susanowo_1998
- TabulaRasa
- Tamahagen
- Tankfist60
- ThatBlindSniper
- thibaut1420
- Thorolfson
- TMac2467
- Tomkopol
- Toomanysecrets
- uNKnownTanker
- VaygrEmpire
- Veuxlarius
- vitjaba96
- wardawg8
- werewolf1966
- XxoAlExAnDeRoX
- Way of the Analyst
You are a military or financial analyst seeking new challenges in private sector and Perihelion, led by a legendary investor, seems like just the right career move for you. You can become eligible by being the first to complete a secret objective. Each Episode has one or more secret objectives. Secret objectives do not require direct gameplay. They are more about your ability to understand the lore and to solve puzzles.
They can be extremely difficult and only the first winner will receive the reward. On the other hand, the reward is typically substantial.
- Way of the Merc
You are another soldier fortune drawn to Perihelion and its emerging military force. You can become eligible by winning the access in an official contest on Discord or Armored Warfare Social Media. This way relies on luck more than anything else, but you are free to try!
Updates on eligible players will be published regularly (approximately weekly). Please follow the portal to find out more.
The following missions are now available:
Please note that the Training mission needs to be completed for you to be able to complete any other missions.
At least 25% of participants must complete this mission, otherwise the campaign ends.
Further missions will become available after this round is concluded. To obtain the “Episode 1 Completed” status (and thus to be able to participate in Episode 2), you must complete at least three missions, not counting the Training one.
Currently, Perihelion forces consist of 200 men with light transportation and 7 heavy armored vehicles of different types:
- 1 T-80U (Tier 7 MBT)
- 1 T-90 (Tier 7 MBT)
- 1 T-72B3 (Tier 8 MBT)
- 1 T-90A (Tier 8 MBT)
- 1 T-90MS (Tier 9 MBT)
- 1 BMPT-72 (Tier 9 TD)
- and 1 BMPT Mod.2017 as Samuel Thorpe's personal vehicle
For each mission, you will have to use one of these vehicles (unless stated otherwise). Additionally, your 200 troops will serve as the core of Perihelion infantry. After all, no objective can be captured and held using tanks alone. The following asset rules apply:
- Vehicle lost cannot be used to complete the missions anymore
- Manpower losses will increase the difficulty of all missions
- Operating with 80% manpower will increase the difficulty of all missions by 10%
- Operating with 60% manpower will increase the difficulty of all missions by 20%
- Operating with 40% manpower will increase the difficulty of all missions by 30%
- Losing 75% or more manpower means the campaign is at an end
Additional assets can be acquired by completing missions or other special Storyline Campaign-related objectives. For the purpose of the campaign, the vehicle considered used for a mission is the vehicle used by most participants to complete for the mission. This is the vehicle that will be lost in case of a defeat.
Please note:
- Lose all vehicles and the campaign is over
- Premium vehicles (BMPT Mod.2017, T-72B3) can be lost twice each (in the campaign, Perihelion will invest significant resources to keep them running)
- Some missions will require more than one committed vehicle (if you do not have more than one vehicle available, these missions will not be available
- Rewards connected to specific campaign vehicles will not be available if that vehicle is lost for good (for example, a BMPT Mod.2017 skin will not be issued if the vehicle is lost before or during the completion of the mission that would normally award it)
- Skins and reskins (vehicles with hard-coded skins) do count except for Hades vehicles
Aside from the abovementioned performance, you will have to take the morale of your troops into account. Men are not robots and few people are inherently evil. Committing unsavory acts will resonate poorly with your crew, but they will also be demoralized by failures. Morale status affects your rewards and, in extreme cases, difficulty level.
Your troops’ morale is represented on a scale of 1 to 10 and begins at 6. The following effects apply.
Neutral States
- Morale 5: No additional effects
- Morale 6: No additional effects
- Morale 7: No additional effects
Positive States
- Morale 8: You’ve earned your troops’ trust and they will carry out orders they normally would not, but only within reason. You are not one of them, but they do consider you a competent commander (divisible rewards increased by 10%)
- Morale 9: The troops consider you an excellent commander and have full faith in you. They will complete even very difficult objectives to prove themselves in your eyes (divisible rewards increased by 15%, additional missions become available)
- Morale 10: The troops would follow you to hell and back (Orderly Retreat and Pyrrhic Victory results no longer reduce morale, Rout reduces morale only by -1, divisible rewards increased by 20%, additional missions become available)
Negative States
- Morale 4: You’ve messed up. The troops are grumbling with discontent and it will take quite some effort to bring them back in line. Winning trust is much harder than losing it (Orderly Retreat result now reduces morale by -2, divisible rewards decreased by 10%)
- Morale 3: Your troops are now seriously unhappy and have passed their complaints to your superiors, who are appraising you with a wary eye (Orderly Retreat and Pyrrhic victory results now reduce morale by -2, divisible rewards decreased by 30%, some missions become unavailable)
- Morale 2: Your last chance. You really need a win now (Orderly Retreat and Pyrrhic victory results now reduce morale by -2, divisible rewards decreased by 50%, some missions become unavailable, some high-profile rewards become unavailable)
- Morale 1: You have lost the loyalty of the troops, the campaign ends
Morale changes always take place at the end of an Episode and are a summation of all your results using the Morale status at the beginning of the episode. For example, starting an episode with Morale 6 and achieving 3 Solid Victories, 1 Major victory and one Rout will change your morale as such:
Initial State (6) + 1 (More than one Solid Victory) +1 (Major Victory) -2 (Rout) = Morale 6
For each mission, you will be required to commit one or more vehicles from the pool above (see each mission for details) and to complete its objectives that are influenced by special modifiers (see below). The fate of the committed forces is determined by the mission result.
The actual result of the mission and its impact on the Storyline Campaign is determined by the amount of players completed following table:
- 0% to 15% of participants complete the mission objective – No Attempt
For the purpose of the story, the mission is treated as not even attempted. None of the players who completed it will lose any committed forces, but will also not receive any reward whatsoever.
- 15% to 25% of participants complete the mission objective – Rout
The mission failed and you took heavy losses. The objective of the mission was not achieved. The committed vehicle is lost and so are all of the troops participating in the mission. Some of them technically make it back of course, but these are mercenaries – seeing your leadership incompetence, they won’t work with you ever again. You will not receive any rewards and the enemy now knows the identity of the attacker. Next time, they will be ready for it, or might even retaliate. In case of powerful enemies, this will have severe consequences.
Morale effect: -2
- 25% to 35% of participants complete the mission objective – Orderly Retreat
The mission failed, but you managed to retreat in an orderly fashion. The objective of the mission was not achieved. You lose the committed vehicles and one half of your committed troops. However, you managed to cover your tracks well enough for the enemy to be unable to discern your identity. Players who complete the mission will receive 50 percent of divisible rewards and no indivisible rewards.
Morale effect: -1
- 35% to 45% of participants complete the mission objective – Pyrrhic Victory
The mission succeeded, but only just about. The objective of the mission was achieved. You do not lose the committed vehicles, but you lose one third of the committed troops. As a result, you will receive 50 percent of divisible rewards, one indivisible reward of the lowest value (if multiple indivisible rewards are offered) or no indivisible reward (if only one was offered). Such “victories” can hardly count as a success and Perihelion cannot afford them in the long run.
Morale effect: -1
- 45% to 65% of participants complete the mission objective – Solid Victory
This is the main “success” result – the mission succeeded, you do not lose any assets and will receive full rewards as per the mission description.
Morale effect: 0 (+1 if multiple Solid Victory results appear within one episode)
- 65% to 80% of participants complete the mission objective – Major Victory
The mission went better than expected. You routed the enemy and it will take a lot of effort for them to rally, which leaves you with enough time to properly do what you came to do. The mission succeeded, you lost no assets. You will also receive 150 percent of divisible rewards.
Morale effect: +1 (+2 if multiple Major Victory results appear within one episode)
- 80% and more participants complete the mission objective – Legendary Victory
They never knew what hit them. The mission succeeded, you lost no assets. You will also receive 200 percent of divisible rewards.
Morale effect: +2
Just to clarify:
- Divisible rewards are rewards that are not singular – that is, for example, Gold, Boosters, Loot Crates, Credits and other such items
- Indivisible rewards are rewards where you only receive a single item (decal, flag, title, avatar, camouflage, base paint, skin or a vehicle)
Please note that the number of players determining the result is based on the initial status of the Episode. If an Episode starts with 2500 eligible players and 1000 join during it (if this option is available), a 50% requirement translates into 1250 players (those 1000 newly joined do not count).
Our advice at this point would be to think very hard on what missions you actually want to complete. Depending on the context, completing some missions can complicate your situation considerably or even prevent you from completing some future objectives. If you aren’t sure what to do (or if you are and want to share), it’s highly advisable to visit our dedicated Discord channel and discuss it there.
Episode 1 will feature several unique rewards:
- Samuel Thorpe player avatar
- Black Mamba skin for BMPT Mod.2017
- Perihelion Grey base paint
- Perihelion Black base paint
- Perihelion logo decal
- Premium vehicles
- Camouflages
And more! In case you are wondering about the first four items – yes, you voted for them in a previous Storyline Campaign article! For each objective reward, please check the description of that respective mission.
Vehicles of Choice – Samuel Thorpe chose to arm his outfit with Russian MBTs. These vehicles are considerably rarer than their older Cold War era counterparts, but a number of them made it to the American market. They are expensive to buy and even more expensive to keep running, but only a few of these will give your outfit the firepower normally reserved for actual military units and corporations, and the respect that goes with it. This category includes the following vehicles: T-80U, T-90, T-72B3, T-90A, T-90MS, BMPT-72 and BMPT Mod.2017.
- Difficulty modifier: +30%
- Professional: Only professional PMCs and large corporate units can afford contemporary military-grade hardware. Your opponents and allies will take you very seriously, which is not always a good thing, as you will definitely not pass unnoticed. On the bright side, with one of these vehicles, you can take on pretty much anyone. (Difficulty modifier when fighting corporations: 0%, difficulty modifier when fighting national armies: +20%, all rewards are increased by 10%)
- Russian: With these vehicles in your outfit and some preparations, you can (at least generally) pass as a member of the Russian military (may lead to some contextual bonuses, depending on your choices), but don’t expect a warm welcome in the United States of America
- Mods: These vehicles will be possible to upgrade using a Modification mechanism in later episodes
Bonus Rules
- Smart: During his interview, Samuel Thorpe displayed an affinity for solving complex issues on the fly. Difficulty modifier: -20%
- Codebreaker: Samuel Thorpe is proficient in breaking basic forms of code. This may lead to contextual bonuses depending on your choices.
Difficulty modifier refers to the basic difficulty of the event (which is 3 played battles per day or a derivation thereof) – in other words, a hypothetical future 30 day objective will require you to play 90 battles, while a 10% difficulty modifier will increase the requirement to 99 battles and so on.
- Current base difficulty modifier: 10%
- Current base reward modifier: 10%
Additional Rules
- The official launch of Episode 1 (for the purpose of log checks) is September 15, 00:01 CEST
- Having your in-game name changed is forbidden and doing so will lead to Storyline Campaign disqualification
- Serious in-game infractions (griefing, excessive amount of matches spent AFK or with little contributions) will lead to Storyline Campaign disqualification
- Unsportsmanlike or toxic behavior both in the game and on Armored Warfare-related platforms may lead to Storyline Campaign disqualification
- The decisions in the abovementioned cases are taken by Armored Warfare staff, they are always final and cannot be appealed
We hope that you will enjoy this event and, as always:
See you on the battlefield!