
Storyline Campaign: Episode 1 is in full swing and we’re happy to announce the results of the first missions (that are no longer available):
Mission Results
The following players completed the Training mission and may continue the Storyline Campaign:
- Abyss
- addedd
- Aericar
- Aiiro
- alex82rus
- Alfa_Ex
- alfred1959
- AlfredvonGomel
- Alighierian
- Allounia
- Alpha7
- AlphaDude
- AlvyDOB
- Alzoc3
- Amppy
- Anka-Anka
- Ann-Kathrin
- anulu1234
- AoToA
- Aphidion
- ApoloSorin
- Apuk
- AquaFlame
- Arcaran
- ArcLight
- ArcTeryX
- Arcticwolfbz
- Argh_Blarghen
- Archaeopteryx
- Arkaba
- Arni_xd
- Arri_Shi
- Asqwel
- AssaultEngineer
- ATankOnTitan
- Attacker65
- atze4772
- Ausfahrt
- Avalanthium
- Aventhor
- Ayako
- Azarith
- Azdule
- b1uetears
- Baba_Booey
- BadFox
- bad-steel
- Barake
- Bareideru
- Baron_Georg
- barrettMHF
- Bat_comrad
- battlegirl
- Beeda2004
- beerke
- Beluga61
- Benyamin
- BerserkSplash
- BetaSVK
- Betonman
- biermsch11
- bigbogo
- biht
- BillWilsonCIA
- bimre
- Bismarck2117
- Blabla123
- Black_Stallion
- BlackSamurai_HU
- BlackSide
- Blapowski
- Blazsi14
- Bleddry
- Bluedust
- boegeman300
- boymahina123
- Brethil
- brocken
- broken_Pottery
- bubalus
- bubbas
- bubulle
- Buckaroo_Banzai
- Bugframe
- Bushmaster1
- calbrit
- Caligula876
- Carloveliki
- Cascozi
- ccruler
- ceejee007
- Centurin
- Cinder
- Clarenbaechlein
- ClaudyDD
- Clouded_Leopard
- ColdSteel66
- Commander_Cold
- CommanderConner
- Coolstartart
- CoreRemnant
- CorrosivePrimed
- Coxie
- Coyote
- Cozmic
- CraigMitchell
- CrossD-JPN
- CRrreLL
- Cupa
- CWolf1
- cyberseth4A10
- Cyberschreiber
- czaniec13
- Czarny99
- DaisenSeKai
- Dammit_Vadim
- danishcommunis
- DanishSkull
- Dansvp
- dark_demigod
- Dark_Rider
- Dark-Souls
- Darth_Sputnik
- Data-Zero
- Dayan78
- De4thZ0ne338
- Dean_Martin
- decybel
- Dejwu_Z_Bombasu
- deLooney
- Delta
- DemaciaKoMuro
- DemonPrince
- Den3ris
- DENN67
- dennisthemenace
- dens
- der_brocken
- Der_Master
- DerAlte56
- DerMustang
- DesertKnuckles
- Destroyer92777
- dfnce
- dfrom
- Director_Qian
- dkhi
- dogbert
- Doktor_Plama
- domidieudo
- Donerkebab
- DonFurioso
- Donkey46
- DonPep
- DoomedGrind
- Doppelpunkt
- double07
- Dr_Dewey
- Drackenfells
- Dragonbreath1
- Draxion
- Dreamer45
- DredNaughtie
- Dreganos
- DrLeft
- DrowPL
- DrunkenTank
- duckbill
- DunkelUlfson
- dxx9664
- DzsézönSztetem
- Dzsoksz
- dzvladimer
- easeas
- ecofresh553
- EgidijusZ
- Eisenherz
- EisernerGustav
- Elegost
- ElFuZz
- Elitetiger99
- Emleen
- EnderJagerBR
- Ensen
- Epicredeemer
- Equinoxxx
- erca001
- ErikaHartman
- Eskobar68
- Eugo_2900
- eurovaltrans
- Faalk
- Farfinder
- Felted
- Feneghar
- Final_Gambit
- firebird820
- Flameon985
- Flavio93Zena
- Fler821
- FN2725
- ForestryScience
- friedenspanzer
- ftkatoo
- funkycop
- Furiana75
- FusigonusPuf
- FX_1
- G_a_n_d_a_l_f
- Gadon
- gandalf39
- Gauvain_III
- General_Blue
- General_Mehran
- Genomele
- geomal
- GHOB60
- GhostFasas
- GiftmischerNel
- Gimlett
- Gimpor
- GirigiriEye
- Gorrann
- gre38120
- Greeliyahu
- Grim_Guardian
- gringo
- Guerreiro
- GuessThatMeme
- GuyVenom
- GwenADu
- HackePeter
- hamer101
- Hansi-001
- HanysB
- Hanysuana
- Harkin
- HarryHoe
- Haswell
- Hawk91
- Heinzielein
- Heliostyle
- Hellcat43
- hellheat
- herald17
- HereCreepers
- Hockir
- HolyDragoon
- Howzzat
- hunok
- HunterMasto
- HurtfulOutcomes
- ChaoLiZiPao
- Charlie3310
- Charlton67
- Chet_Ubetcha
- Chrion
- I5Hammer
- Iamanoob
- identitäter
- idiocy
- IHugoI
- Inclementer
- Indomie
- Iosifek
- Iron_Monti
- Iron-Samurai
- ItalianStyle
- itzjustrick
- IvoryMoonLight
- jacko
- Jagdar69
- jaokiller223
- jbsontra
- Jecklen_Hyde
- Jenkin_Jones
- Jeremy_Clarkson
- Jimmygrey
- JKay
- Joe_Black
- JoePike
- Johnny_Yuma
- Jollij
- Jonieryk
- Jonolitium4
- Jonse
- Josch63
- Juergen
- Jyliac
- K2-71046900
- kacerdva
- kaine82
- Kairene_R
- KaiserKent
- Kalladan
- Kalmisto
- Kamikaze2020
- Kampfpudding
- Kardaloz
- karooll
- katoda_ltd
- Kazuhira95
- Kazuto_Naruse
- Keenwolfe
- Keleb
- Kell_Hound
- Kess-Tdt
- Kévin_49
- Keyser_Soeze
- kika
- Kiklop73
- kimica
- King_Icefyre
- Kinsky
- KiryuCoco
- Klmn
- Knewone
- Knuddelwolf
- Knutliott
- KrashDown
- Krieger2297
- Kronos1952
- krumpa
- krzychsus
- Kuba3690
- kuba7108
- KyRaBoT
- KyraZier
- lakij
- Laknat
- Legacy
- leleblock
- Lemovice
- Lenzabi
- leo10086
- Leo999
- LeoAegisMaximus
- leonpower
- Let_it_Shrek
- lf20107
- Lhynn
- Liebefrei
- LieberFrei
- Lieutenant_Sam
- lionleader
- Liszon
- ljhak4526
- LordVorontur
- Lost_Myst
- Lt_Blechtonne
- LTForge
- Luetze41
- Lumpi
- Lysdexic
- MacDusty93
- macieklu
- MagnusBarca
- Magoo62
- MahoNishizumi71
- MachMet_Hood
- Major_Degtarev
- MajorMarco45
- Maniacu
- Marc0ZTM
- Margot
- mariokamada
- MarioVegas
- Marshal_Elite
- Mashal_Vader
- Mathieukimii
- Matchstick
- Mausi111
- MaxHeadroom
- maxkilz
- Maybe268
- MB72
- Mbsk01
- Mbsk02
- MCP64
- MeKelGachy
- meliadus
- Men_Cor
- Menoetius
- Mensha-Khaine
- MetaIWrath
- Methos911
- mgdriver
- Micah_Bell
- Midwahgein
- Migmeik2000
- MichalSkil
- Mikamy
- MikeAvatar
- mi-loup
- Mirko101010
- Mjolner
- MK_Regular
- Mk2Griefer
- Mohawk55a
- Mondfuchs
- Morvaiman
- Moufo
- moupp
- Mpc1965
- mral2012
- MrBurns23
- mrkiller
- MrMakata
- MsgtMarl
- Muaddibb
- Muzzle_Flash
- muzzleloader
- N3cr0n0m
- Najlvin
- narkisos
- Narnman
- Neko_29
- Nekrosmas
- Nerpynerp
- Netherstorm
- nevimcosem
- NicktheProf
- nighthawk144
- Nihtwaco
- ninja474
- nitroasp
- NoEffectDagger
- nolja
- Noobdown
- noobhoch10
- Noobster47
- nookie
- Nova67
- Nuisance_Value
- NukeMutant
- okonis
- OldIronside
- Ollinator
- OSF_d_R
- OSTBtsmAlbert
- P4nzerMarmelade
- Paladin69
- pannekoekert
- panzerstaale
- Papa_Sc0rch
- Paramirum
- Partypaco
- PaterBrown
- patox45200
- patriezier
- Peacemakerr
- pekele
- Penguinkiller
- PereZ_345
- Perzel
- Pesa
- Phalyr
- Phelpsy_Phelps
- Phoenix
- pcheniek
- Pi0ve
- Pixelpapsto
- Platinumsniper
- PolishLegend
- Polo_pl18
- pop2507
- Princess_Luna
- prizrak86
- ProMyka
- Protocol
- Proxy_One
- PS_Tod
- PSChild
- PsyWarrior
- puky_cro
- PureZX
- PurpleLXXIII
- PVTTrulyBlind
- Qbicle
- QuantumRanger
- R_M_B
- Rabiwatt
- radus1975
- raf2103
- RagnarSchulz
- Rainmaker
- raketenchali
- RamaA
- Rammstein012345
- Raph-the-Raven
- Rapy_cz
- Ravenwing_129
- RedBad007
- Redork
- RedSkyAtNight
- rembolt007
- renegade_83
- Righteous_Man
- Rmanrr
- robertmi
- Roopom
- Roscar
- RussianDoge
- RUSSification
- ryder
- S3RO1346
- sacoco
- sagvanmaslo
- Sahhe
- Salvo
- SASGamer_Pro
- SciroccoOne
- Scout51
- Sebastian_Grimm
- SegeberGER
- Sehven
- Sergeant_Bill
- sergeantjim
- severius
- sgmace
- Sgt_Reckless
- Sgt_Waffle
- SgtDream
- SgtMaj_Carey
- SGWannaBe
- Shadowwolve
- Shaele
- Shmex
- Scharnhorst87
- Schiwago
- Schlock
- Schneefuchs
- Schnitter_Zwei
- Schnittertm
- SchwarzFrost
- SiemaSeppo
- Silver
- SilverHawke
- Silversurfer70
- Silverton
- simolens
- SirKlasu
- sixor82
- SkitzyFox
- SmallZhe
- Smeghedd117
- snakeyes1948
- SneakyNibbler
- Snomanmake
- Solstafir
- SomnusSenior
- Somrug
- sooner62
- Lord_Soviettron
- Spartan0090
- Spaten66
- Spearhead
- SpiritOfNoPen
- Spitfire
- Spyder
- Spychacz
- Spyshadow01
- Stabbingtime
- Stahlvormund92
- Staufener
- SteelHeroe
- StiltedKiwi28
- Stormlord
- Stratzi
- SturmOstfriese
- Suberb
- Super_J-K
- Surlytanker
- Susanowo_1998
- SuwalskiYaReX85
- Sverige
- SZymoin666
- TA55U
- TabulaRasa
- Tachikoma_0808
- taimo123
- TakeTh1s
- Talyus
- Tank_Sniper
- TankFranky
- tankhunter0815
- tankist_49
- Tankratte
- Tanktostepone
- TanK-x
- TaperHarley
- Taqu
- Tarkus
- Tathris
- tazol
- TBFreak
- TeamM6123
- Tebor
- TeKa
- Tenam
- teufala
- Tevix
- The_Viking68
- The5thchild
- TheGreenTank
- The-Madman
- ThePsychoCat
- TheQuietOne
- Thernadomguy
- TheSerpentMage
- thewolfpack
- thibaut1420
- thierryimmel
- ThirdPanther
- Thorn66
- Thorolfson
- thud
- Thurim
- Tiananmen1989
- Tiger1964
- Tigerlover
- Tigger
- Tikburg
- TimMardon
- TobiichiOrigami
- Todor14x
- Tom_Jones_72
- tomcat_SRB
- Tomin4tor
- Tomkopol
- Toomanysecrets
- TopSgt
- Torti007
- Tuna
- Tyrex321
- Uglyn
- Unforgiven75
- UrsulPolar
- UszczeliX
- vadda959
- ValiVaDoboara
- Valkyrie7
- Varro
- veldmaarschalk
- Velside
- Veuxlarius
- von_Grimm
- von_chom
- von_Rummelsdorf
- Vovencjusz
- VTek46
- W00dbury
- Wackensack
- waidler
- Wallo
- Wasulf
- Weber13
- werewolf1966
- wezzie88
- What_crysis
- WildBiker
- WillDie4Money
- windows_xp
- Wolfaar
- Wolt_01
- ww60
- x9x0x8x4
- Xarven
- XBigBenX
- Xorphitus
- xRoCC
- XxcukaxX
- XxoAlExAnDeRoX
- yoloman1224
- YourfriendlyGI
- Zacom
- Zedarot
- Zerhuskly
- Zip50
- Zoxx
- Zullu-09
- zupermanneke
The following players also won the Deadshot mission with these results:
- Iosifek (41466 damage at over 300m with BMPT-72)
- narkisos (41056 damage at over 300m with BMPT Mod.2017)
- Cwolf1 (randomly chosen eligible submission)
Their reward – BMPT Mod.2017! Unfortunately, with only 202 submissions, the bonus objective requirement was not met.
Campaign Registrations
As for the eligibility, there are four ways of joining the event (aside from previously having completed the Prologue chapter):
- Way of the Warrior (playing BMP-1 and BMP-2 extensively)
- Way of the Merchant (purchasing the Perihelion bundle)
- Way of the Merc (earning the access in a contest)
- Way of the Analyst (currently unavailable)
The following players completed the Way of the Warrior challenge to date:
- Adron
- Chrsp255
- Draxion
- Nerpynerp
The following players completed the Way of the Merchant challenge to date:
- A_rvern
- A_Vetruvio
- AceOfBlades
- Aerion
- Aethon
- Allgemein
- Alpha7
- AlphaWolf2448
- anulu1234
- anunaky
- Aphidion
- Aquascum
- Arhiloh
- Archaeopteryx
- armoredDonut
- aspirant80
- Atlasian
- atze4772
- AusterWueste830
- AWDark
- AxleVought
- Baba_Booey
- Baba_of_Noobs
- baba-yaga-xxxl
- bagofbones
- Balocco92
- banzai99
- Baobass
- barrettMHF
- Battle_Llama
- baxter77
- belbegor
- bezimiennyPL
- biermsch11
- Bismarck01
- Bitamin_ROK
- Blabla123
- BlackPiet
- Blokhow
- bloodred0114
- Bluedust
- Bluecheese
- bluenite
- bluesteelxyz
- bobes1907
- boegeman300
- Bonatius
- bulsoryung
- Bushmaster1
- CabiHun
- CannonBreaker
- Capt_Chaos
- Captain-Bannon
- Carl_A_Pizza
- Cascozi
- Cdnarmy30
- CellEtAudax
- Cobra0668
- CodyFett
- ColinM
- CommanderConner
- CommissarTsar
- Coolstartart
- CoTurok
- Countz
- Cpt_Kev217
- CptHofman
- CrabbyK
- cronix94
- CrownlesKing
- Currahee1SG
- czaniec13
- Defender72_1
- Delta
- DemonCarroll
- DemonPrince
- DerAlte56
- DesertKnuckles
- deslok
- Destroyer92777
- dexterav
- diebels63
- Director_Qian
- domidieudo
- DooDooTank
- Dosi
- Dragonbreath1
- Dragonshooter
- Drakonis
- Draxion
- Drdaks
- Dreadbot
- DredNaughtie
- DrStrangeWolf
- DzsézönSztetem
- EasyDuck
- ecssd
- Echo01
- Einst1
- Eisen_Schwein
- Eisenkutte
- ElFuZz
- Ersatzteil
- EugenNeko
- Ex_inkkari
- F207
- Faltenhund81
- Fati
- felipebar
- Fenreth
- FireFrost2
- FlameSpirit
- Flankersu27
- FN2725
- Forvet
- FoxfireNS
- Foxtrot_Hotel
- franciszek992
- funta1
- FX_1
- GarmrXUSAF
- geek0505
- Geisterrabe1
- Gellion
- GibbousMaximus
- Gimpor
- Gmer
- Godmod00
- goose26
- Gousti23CZ
- Graf_Saufenberg
- Grimsister
- GuessThatMeme
- Gunner1414
- HackePeter
- HaCkMuFFiNe99
- Hardknock
- HarrasmentPark
- HarryHoe
- Hauseref
- HereCreepers
- Higgens2
- Hitmankiller
- hjwbot
- hjx1212
- Hockir
- HolyDragoon
- Hrimfaxy
- hubal1805
- Huhu
- ChaoLiZiPao
- Charliehorse18
- Chass3urAW
- christ351
- I5Hammer
- IceKuemmerling
- IHugoI
- Inimical
- Invader1222
- Its4quenten
- Jacksen
- jad13
- JaRo1512
- jbwoo
- Jecklen_Hyde
- JeffNOX
- Jeniu
- Jeremy_Clarkson
- Jimmygrey
- Joe_Black
- Josch63
- jrice321
- juremod
- Jyliac
- K2-71046900
- K3nnjiTheGreat
- kadmich
- Kairene_R
- Kamikazestahl
- Karaia
- Kebabpower
- kennyboot
- Kess-Tdt
- Keyser_Soeze
- Killasmile
- KillnGrill
- kimica
- Kingfish
- kitiku
- Kkrisak10
- kllrthedemon
- KoileHart
- kokoVmaxa
- Kosiaz88
- KrazyPanda
- krumpa
- Kyoko_Igarashi
- LambChopSoldier
- Lebretonfou
- leleblock
- leo10086
- leonpower
- Lieutenant_Sam
- Likenak
- LoneWolf_65
- LordPapaj
- Luetze41
- LuLuTsian
- M00KA
- MacDusty93
- Madmax_war
- MagicGnomeBliz
- MagnusBarca
- MajorMarco45
- malinois68
- mariokamada
- markabrunn
- MarkLXIX
- MarkusAurellius
- Marshal_Elite
- MartaN
- Mason_Wong
- Mathieukimii
- maxlink
- Mazzy273
- Mensha-Khaine
- Merkava1001
- meshary
- Methos911
- Midwahgein
- MichalSkil
- Mikamy
- milan08
- Milanius
- MinceCore
- MinkShenan
- mk153
- Mohrteph
- Monkeynuts
- MsgtMarl
- muguet
- Multesimus
- Muzzle_Flash
- myj987
- N3RD12512
- NakaTheDaemon
- nephrwack1982
- ninja474
- Nkp801
- NoIdeasMan
- noobhoch10
- NukeMutant
- ObiWan28
- Obuzzul
- okonis
- OldIronside
- OldRicky
- Oldwolf-UK
- OSF_d_R
- Overheateconomy
- Paladin1969
- PanserArne
- panzerstaale
- patox45200
- Penguin123
- Penguinkiller
- Penrose
- pepecoco05
- perlaperlo20
- PetrosCZE
- Phalyr
- Phelpsy_Phelps
- PilotBBC123
- Platinumsniper
- PlayerPL
- popo1306
- poussinours73
- prizrak86
- Protocol
- Ptitluc65
- PureZX
- PVTTrulyBlind
- PvtTwinkletoes
- Quadan
- Rabiwatt
- rabu9999
- Rainmaker
- raketenchali
- RamaA
- RangerMavrick
- raspyspacegod
- raubmuecke
- Razor696
- razorserban
- ReddNekk
- Redork
- Regias_ArmeCrea
- renegade_83
- Righteous_Man
- rng_auf_kette
- Sehven
- SFC_Warlock
- SG50_2015
- Sgt_Reckless
- SgtMaj_Carey
- SGWannaBe
- shadowood
- Shmex
- Schmiddy1991
- Sicario69
- SilverthorneR33
- SilverWolf117
- Simon_RIley_141
- sinsia
- sinsin01
- Skippzzz
- SkitzyFox
- skydreamers23
- SmallZhe
- SneakyNibbler
- Sobink
- Spieler-1
- Stinger952
- Stoltenborg
- SturmOstfriese
- Super_Conqueror
- Supereend_2punt
- Surlytanker
- Susanowo_1998
- TabulaRasa
- Tamahagen
- tankeur_59
- Tankfist60
- TankXD777
- TBW12
- TermiPeteNZ
- test_404
- ThatBlindSniper
- ThatCr4zyW31RDo
- TheDgamesD
- TheLastHuszar
- thibaut1420
- Thorolfson
- Tiananmen1989
- TigerLord
- Tikburg
- TimksK
- TiranoAW
- tj269530
- TMac2467
- TobiichiOrigami
- TomatoWarrior
- Tomkopol
- Tony_01
- Toomanysecrets
- ToxicAddictions
- tpling
- Tresirtam
- TrueDuck
- Turbo_The_Anima
- uNKnownTanker
- Unmaker
- V3n0x
- Varro
- VaygrEmpire
- Veuxlarius
- Vidaritos
- vitjaba96
- VladTepes84
- VodkaTschechern
- volldabei1
- VonBach86
- wardawg8
- welle68
- werewolf1966
- wezzie88
- Whitefang9481
- wiesel
- Winterborne
- winterfeldt
- Wolf_S8
- wolf054
- Wolfonar
- WraZz
- Wrof
- XBigBenX
- X-heketchis_V44
- xHugo_Stiglitzx
- XxoAlExAnDeRoX
- Yakisaban
- YourfriendlyGI
- Zealot
- ZGMF1000
- Zhen_01
- ziboli
- Zieloo
- Zirael
The following players completed the Way of the Merc challenge to date:
- htoma
- kimica
- Carloveliki
- beerke
- Warhobo
- Hordekiller
The Way of the Analyst is currently not available, but completing it in the future while having also completed the Training mission when it was available will retroactively give you access. The same goes for any other way.
The following players have been added to the participant list usually due to name changes (which are not allowed, but this rule was established before the launch of Episode 1:
- Kévin_49
- We have temporarily removed the Perihelion bundle (Way of the Merchant) from offer to make sure we get the list of players right
- The following players were disqualified from the campaign following an administrative decision: darkrai666, tkacziluzji
Regarding the second point, we would once again like to remind you not to attempt to cheat in the event, for example by leaving matches early or not participating properly. Such behavior constitutes “griefing” and is punishable not only by disqualification, but also according to our Terms of Service.
The Storyline Campaign will continue shortly (on October 7) with:
- Story updates
- Lore articles
- More missions (remember, you need to complete three of them to pass to Episode 2)
Stay tuned!