
The Storyline Campaign Episode 1 continues with another set of missions as well as an additional way of joining the Storyline Campaign. The following players are eligible for Episode 1:
- Abyss
- addedd
- Aericar
- Aiiro
- alex82rus
- Alfa_Ex
- alfred1959
- AlfredvonGomel
- Alighierian
- Allounia
- Alpha7
- AlphaDude
- AlvyDOB
- Alzoc3
- Amppy
- Anka-Anka
- Ann-Kathrin
- anulu1234
- AoToA
- Aphidion
- ApoloSorin
- Apuk
- AquaFlame
- Arcaran
- ArcLight
- ArcTeryX
- Arcticwolfbz
- Argh_Blarghen
- Archaeopteryx
- Arkaba
- Arni_xd
- Arri_Shi
- Asqwel
- AssaultEngineer
- ATankOnTitan
- Attacker65
- atze4772
- Ausfahrt
- Avalanthium
- Aventhor
- Ayako
- Azarith
- Azdule
- b1uetears
- Baba_Booey
- BadFox
- bad-steel
- Barake
- Bareideru
- Baron_Georg
- barrettMHF
- Bat_comrad
- battlegirl
- Beeda2004
- beerke
- Beluga61
- Benyamin
- BerserkSplash
- BetaSVK
- Betonman
- biermsch11
- bigbogo
- biht
- BillWilsonCIA
- bimre
- Bismarck2117
- Blabla123
- Black_Stallion
- BlackSamurai_HU
- BlackSide
- Blapowski
- Blazsi14
- Bleddry
- Bluedust
- boegeman300
- boymahina123
- Brethil
- brocken
- broken_Pottery
- bubalus
- bubbas
- bubulle
- Buckaroo_Banzai
- Bugframe
- Bushmaster1
- calbrit
- Caligula876
- Carloveliki
- Cascozi
- ccruler
- ceejee007
- Centurin
- Cinder
- Clarenbaechlein
- ClaudyDD
- Clouded_Leopard
- ColdSteel66
- Commander_Cold
- CommanderConner
- Coolstartart
- CoreRemnant
- CorrosivePrimed
- Coxie
- Coyote
- Cozmic
- CraigMitchell
- CrossD-JPN
- CRrreLL
- Cupa
- CWolf1
- cyberseth4A10
- Cyberschreiber
- czaniec13
- Czarny99
- DaisenSeKai
- Dammit_Vadim
- danishcommunis
- DanishSkull
- Dansvp
- dark_demigod
- Dark_Rider
- Dark-Souls
- Darth_Sputnik
- Data-Zero
- Dayan78
- De4thZ0ne338
- Dean_Martin
- decybel
- Dejwu_Z_Bombasu
- deLooney
- Delta
- DemaciaKoMuro
- DemonPrince
- Den3ris
- DENN67
- dennisthemenace
- dens
- der_brocken
- Der_Master
- DerAlte56
- DerMustang
- DesertKnuckles
- Destroyer92777
- dfnce
- dfrom
- Director_Qian
- dkhi
- dogbert
- Doktor_Plama
- domidieudo
- Donerkebab
- DonFurioso
- Donkey46
- DonPep
- DoomedGrind
- Doppelpunkt
- double07
- Dr_Dewey
- Drackenfells
- Dragonbreath1
- Draxion
- Dreamer45
- DredNaughtie
- Dreganos
- DrLeft
- DrowPL
- DrunkenTank
- duckbill
- DunkelUlfson
- dxx9664
- DzsézönSztetem
- Dzsoksz
- dzvladimer
- easeas
- ecofresh553
- EgidijusZ
- Eisenherz
- EisernerGustav
- Elegost
- ElFuZz
- Elitetiger99
- Emleen
- EnderJagerBR
- Ensen
- Epicredeemer
- Equinoxxx
- erca001
- ErikaHartman
- Eskobar68
- Eugo_2900
- eurovaltrans
- Faalk
- Farfinder
- Felted
- Feneghar
- Final_Gambit
- firebird820
- Flameon985
- Flavio93Zena
- Fler821
- FN2725
- ForestryScience
- friedenspanzer
- ftkatoo
- funkycop
- Furiana75
- FusigonusPuf
- FX_1
- G_a_n_d_a_l_f
- Gadon
- gandalf39
- Gauvain_III
- General_Blue
- General_Mehran
- Genomele
- geomal
- GHOB60
- GhostFasas
- GiftmischerNel
- Gimlett
- Gimpor
- GirigiriEye
- Gorrann
- gre38120
- Greeliyahu
- Grim_Guardian
- gringo
- Guerreiro
- GuessThatMeme
- GuyVenom
- GwenADu
- HackePeter
- hamer101
- Hansi-001
- HanysB
- Hanysuana
- Harkin
- HarryHoe
- Haswell
- Hawk91
- Heinzielein
- Heliostyle
- Hellcat43
- hellheat
- herald17
- HereCreepers
- Hockir
- HolyDragoon
- Howzzat
- hunok
- HunterMasto
- HurtfulOutcomes
- ChaoLiZiPao
- Charlie3310
- Charlton67
- Chet_Ubetcha
- Chrion
- I5Hammer
- Iamanoob
- identitäter
- idiocy
- IHugoI
- Inclementer
- Indomie
- Iosifek
- Iron_Monti
- Iron-Samurai
- ItalianStyle
- itzjustrick
- IvoryMoonLight
- jacko
- Jagdar69
- jaokiller223
- jbsontra
- Jecklen_Hyde
- Jenkin_Jones
- Jeremy_Clarkson
- Jimmygrey
- JKay
- Joe_Black
- JoePike
- Johnny_Yuma
- Jollij
- Jonieryk
- Jonolitium4
- Jonse
- Josch63
- Juergen
- Jyliac
- K2-71046900
- kacerdva
- kaine82
- Kairene_R
- KaiserKent
- Kalladan
- Kalmisto
- Kamikaze2020
- Kampfpudding
- Kardaloz
- karooll
- katoda_ltd
- Kazuhira95
- Kazuto_Naruse
- Keenwolfe
- Keleb
- Kell_Hound
- Kess-Tdt
- Kévin_49
- Keyser_Soeze
- kika
- Kiklop73
- kimica
- King_Icefyre
- Kinsky
- KiryuCoco
- Klmn
- Knewone
- Knuddelwolf
- Knutliott
- KrashDown
- Krieger2297
- Kronos1952
- krumpa
- krzychsus
- Kuba3690
- kuba7108
- KyRaBoT
- KyraZier
- lakij
- Laknat
- Legacy
- leleblock
- Lemovice
- Lenzabi
- leo10086
- Leo999
- LeoAegisMaximus
- leonpower
- Let_it_Shrek
- lf20107
- Lhynn
- Liebefrei
- LieberFrei
- Lieutenant_Sam
- lionleader
- Liszon
- ljhak4526
- LordVorontur
- Lost_Myst
- Lt_Blechtonne
- LTForge
- Luetze41
- Lumpi
- Lysdexic
- MacDusty93
- macieklu
- MagnusBarca
- Magoo62
- MahoNishizumi71
- MachMet_Hood
- Major_Degtarev
- MajorMarco45
- Maniacu
- Marc0ZTM
- Margot
- mariokamada
- MarioVegas
- Marshal_Elite
- Mashal_Vader
- Mathieukimii
- Matchstick
- Mausi111
- MaxHeadroom
- maxkilz
- Maybe268
- MB72
- Mbsk01
- Mbsk02
- MCP64
- MeKelGachy
- meliadus
- Men_Cor
- Menoetius
- Mensha-Khaine
- MetaIWrath
- Methos911
- mgdriver
- Micah_Bell
- Midwahgein
- Migmeik2000
- MichalSkil
- Mikamy
- MikeAvatar
- mi-loup
- Mirko101010
- Mjolner
- MK_Regular
- Mk2Griefer
- Mohawk55a
- Mondfuchs
- Morvaiman
- Moufo
- moupp
- Mpc1965
- mral2012
- MrBurns23
- mrkiller
- MrMakata
- MsgtMarl
- Muaddibb
- Muzzle_Flash
- muzzleloader
- N3cr0n0m
- Najlvin
- narkisos
- Narnman
- Neko_29
- Nekrosmas
- Nerpynerp
- Netherstorm
- nevimcosem
- NicktheProf
- nighthawk144
- Nihtwaco
- ninja474
- nitroasp
- NoEffectDagger
- nolja
- Noobdown
- noobhoch10
- Noobster47
- nookie
- Nova67
- Nuisance_Value
- NukeMutant
- okonis
- OldIronside
- Ollinator
- OSF_d_R
- OSTBtsmAlbert
- P4nzerMarmelade
- Paladin69
- pannekoekert
- panzerstaale
- Papa_Sc0rch
- Paramirum
- Partypaco
- PaterBrown
- patox45200
- patriezier
- Peacemakerr
- pekele
- Penguinkiller
- PereZ_345
- Perzel
- Pesa
- Phalyr
- Phelpsy_Phelps
- Phoenix
- pcheniek
- Pi0ve
- Pixelpapsto
- Platinumsniper
- PolishLegend
- Polo_pl18
- pop2507
- Princess_Luna
- prizrak86
- ProMyka
- Protocol
- Proxy_One
- PS_Tod
- PSChild
- PsyWarrior
- puky_cro
- PureZX
- PurpleLXXIII
- PVTTrulyBlind
- Qbicle
- QuantumRanger
- R_M_B
- Rabiwatt
- radus1975
- raf2103
- RagnarSchulz
- Rainmaker
- raketenchali
- RamaA
- Rammstein012345
- Raph-the-Raven
- Rapy_cz
- Ravenwing_129
- RedBad007
- Redork
- RedSkyAtNight
- rembolt007
- renegade_83
- Righteous_Man
- Rmanrr
- robertmi
- Roopom
- Roscar
- RussianDoge
- RUSSification
- ryder
- S3RO1346
- sacoco
- sagvanmaslo
- Sahhe
- Salvo
- SASGamer_Pro
- SciroccoOne
- Scout51
- Sebastian_Grimm
- SegeberGER
- Sehven
- Sergeant_Bill
- sergeantjim
- severius
- sgmace
- Sgt_Reckless
- Sgt_Waffle
- SgtDream
- SgtMaj_Carey
- SGWannaBe
- Shadowwolve
- Shaele
- Shmex
- Scharnhorst87
- Schiwago
- Schlock
- Schneefuchs
- Schnitter_Zwei
- Schnittertm
- SchwarzFrost
- SiemaSeppo
- Silver
- SilverHawke
- Silversurfer70
- Silverton
- simolens
- SirKlasu
- sixor82
- SkitzyFox
- SmallZhe
- Smeghedd117
- snakeyes1948
- SneakyNibbler
- Snomanmake
- Solstafir
- SomnusSenior
- Somrug
- sooner62
- Lord_Soviettron
- Spartan0090
- Spaten66
- Spearhead
- SpiritOfNoPen
- Spitfire
- Spyder
- Spychacz
- Spyshadow01
- Stabbingtime
- Stahlvormund92
- Staufener
- SteelHeroe
- StiltedKiwi28
- Stormlord
- Stratzi
- SturmOstfriese
- Suberb
- Super_J-K
- Surlytanker
- Susanowo_1998
- SuwalskiYaReX85
- Sverige
- SZymoin666
- TA55U
- TabulaRasa
- Tachikoma_0808
- taimo123
- TakeTh1s
- Talyus
- Tank_Sniper
- TankFranky
- tankhunter0815
- tankist_49
- Tankratte
- Tanktostepone
- TanK-x
- TaperHarley
- Taqu
- Tarkus
- Tathris
- tazol
- TBFreak
- TeamM6123
- Tebor
- TeKa
- Tenam
- teufala
- Tevix
- The_Viking68
- The5thchild
- TheGreenTank
- The-Madman
- ThePsychoCat
- TheQuietOne
- Thernadomguy
- TheSerpentMage
- thewolfpack
- thibaut1420
- thierryimmel
- ThirdPanther
- Thorn66
- Thorolfson
- thud
- Thurim
- Tiananmen1989
- Tiger1964
- Tigerlover
- Tigger
- Tikburg
- TimMardon
- TobiichiOrigami
- Todor14x
- Tom_Jones_72
- tomcat_SRB
- Tomin4tor
- Tomkopol
- Toomanysecrets
- TopSgt
- Torti007
- Tuna
- Tyrex321
- Uglyn
- Unforgiven75
- UrsulPolar
- UszczeliX
- vadda959
- ValiVaDoboara
- Valkyrie7
- Varro
- veldmaarschalk
- Velside
- Veuxlarius
- von_Grimm
- von_chom
- von_Rummelsdorf
- Vovencjusz
- VTek46
- W00dbury
- Wackensack
- waidler
- Wallo
- Wasulf
- Weber13
- werewolf1966
- wezzie88
- What_crysis
- WildBiker
- WillDie4Money
- windows_xp
- Wolfaar
- Wolt_01
- ww60
- x9x0x8x4
- Xarven
- XBigBenX
- Xorphitus
- xRoCC
- XxcukaxX
- XxoAlExAnDeRoX
- yoloman1224
- YourfriendlyGI
- Zacom
- Zedarot
- Zerhuskly
- Zip50
- Zoxx
- Zullu-09
- zupermanneke
Are you missing from the list above because you missed the Registration, Prologue or Training periods? Not to worry. You now have one more chance to join the Storyline Campaign without having previously completed anything. Here’s how:
Simply put, in addition to completing the missions below, you also have to play 42 standard PvE matches (both difficulties count, Special Operations do not count) using any of the Storyline Campaign vehicles (T-80U, T-90, T-72B3, T-90A, T-90MS, BMPT-72 and BMPT Mod.2017). This objective needs to be completed until the end of the Episode (November 7, 2021).
The following Episode 1 missions are now available:
These missions have to be completed between October 7 and October 20, 2021 (both days included), unless a specific mission states otherwise. Two more additional missions will become available later and the whole episode will end on November 7, after which you will receive the appropriate rewards.
Please note:
- These four Episode 1 missions (except for Additional Training) do use the standard Storyline Campaign set of rules with all their consequences
- Consider your resources carefully and decide which missions you want to finish and which missions you want to attempt. Some are easy, some – not so much, and failure can be a costly endeavor
- To continue to Episode 2 as well as to receive the special Episode 1 reward (which is the Black Mamba skin for the BMPT Mod.2017), you need to finish 3 out of 6 Episode 1 missions (2 of which are coming on October 25)
Simplified summary
Are you on the list above?
In that case, you have to complete 3 out of 6 Episode 1 missions with 4 missions being available now and 2 more coming on October 25, 2021. Read each mission requirement carefully, some are very difficult. Attempting and failing a difficult mission has serious consequences.
If you aren't on the list above:
In that case, in addition to the Episode 1 missions, you also have to play 42 standard PvE matches (both difficulties count, Special Operations do not count) using any of the Storyline Campaign vehicles (T-80U, T-90, T-72B3, T-90A, T-90MS, BMPT-72 and BMPT Mod.2017). This objective needs to be completed until the end of the Episode (November 7, 2021).