In this section, you'll find the basic set of rules of the current Storyline Campaign. Back to the Storyline Campaign Hub.
Currently, Perihelion forces consist of 200 men with light transportation and 7 heavy armored vehicles of different types:
- 1 T-80U (Tier 7 MBT)
- 1 T-90 (Tier 7 MBT)
- 1 T-72B3 (Tier 8 MBT)
- 1 T-90A (Tier 8 MBT)
- 1 T-90MS (Tier 9 MBT)
- 1 BMPT-72 (Tier 9 TD)
- and 1 BMPT Mod.2017 as Samuel Thorpe's personal vehicle
For each mission, you will have to use one of these vehicles (unless stated otherwise). Additionally, your 200 troops will serve as the core of Perihelion infantry. After all, no objective can be captured and held using tanks alone. The following asset rules apply:
- Vehicle lost cannot be used to complete the missions anymore
- Manpower losses will increase the difficulty of all missions
- Operating with 80% manpower will increase the difficulty of all missions by 10%
- Operating with 60% manpower will increase the difficulty of all missions by 20%
- Operating with 40% manpower will increase the difficulty of all missions by 30%
- Losing 75% or more manpower means the campaign is at an end
Additional assets can be acquired by completing missions or other special Storyline Campaign-related objectives. For the purpose of the campaign, the vehicle considered used for a mission is the vehicle used by most participants to complete for the mission. This is the vehicle that will be lost in case of a defeat.
Please note:
- Lose all vehicles and the campaign is over
- Premium vehicles (BMPT Mod.2017, T-72B3) can be lost twice each (in the campaign, Perihelion will invest significant resources to keep them running)
- Some missions will require more than one committed vehicle (if you do not have more than one vehicle available, these missions will not be available
- Rewards connected to specific campaign vehicles will not be available if that vehicle is lost for good (for example, a BMPT Mod.2017 skin will not be issued if the vehicle is lost before or during the completion of the mission that would normally award it)
- Skins and reskins (vehicles with hard-coded skins) do count except for Hades vehicles
Aside from the abovementioned performance, you will have to take the morale of your troops into account. Men are not robots and few people are inherently evil. Committing unsavory acts will resonate poorly with your crew, but they will also be demoralized by failures. Morale status affects your rewards and, in extreme cases, difficulty level.
Your troops’ morale is represented on a scale of 1 to 10 and begins at 6. The following effects apply.
Neutral States
- Morale 5: No additional effects
- Morale 6: No additional effects
- Morale 7: No additional effects
Positive States
- Morale 8: You’ve earned your troops’ trust and they will carry out orders they normally would not, but only within reason. You are not one of them, but they do consider you a competent commander (divisible rewards increased by 10%)
- Morale 9: The troops consider you an excellent commander and have full faith in you. They will complete even very difficult objectives to prove themselves in your eyes (divisible rewards increased by 15%, additional missions become available)
- Morale 10: The troops would follow you to hell and back (Orderly Retreat and Pyrrhic Victory results no longer reduce morale, Rout reduces morale only by -1, divisible rewards increased by 20%, additional missions become available)
Negative States
- Morale 4: You’ve messed up. The troops are grumbling with discontent and it will take quite some effort to bring them back in line. Winning trust is much harder than losing it (Orderly Retreat result now reduces morale by -2, divisible rewards decreased by 10%)
- Morale 3: Your troops are now seriously unhappy and have passed their complaints to your superiors, who are appraising you with a wary eye (Orderly Retreat and Pyrrhic victory results now reduce morale by -2, divisible rewards decreased by 30%, some missions become unavailable)
- Morale 2: Your last chance. You really need a win now (Orderly Retreat and Pyrrhic victory results now reduce morale by -2, divisible rewards decreased by 50%, some missions become unavailable, some high-profile rewards become unavailable)
- Morale 1: You have lost the loyalty of the troops, the campaign ends
Morale changes always take place at the end of an Episode and are a summation of all your results using the Morale status at the beginning of the episode. For example, starting an episode with Morale 6 and achieving 3 Solid Victories, 1 Major victory and one Rout will change your morale as such:
Initial State (6) + 1 (More than one Solid Victory) +1 (Major Victory) -2 (Rout) = Morale 6
For each mission, you will be required to commit one or more vehicles from the pool above (see each mission for details) and to complete its objectives that are influenced by special modifiers (see below). The fate of the committed forces is determined by the mission result.
The actual result of the mission and its impact on the Storyline Campaign is determined by the amount of players completed following table:
- 0% to 15% of participants complete the mission objective – No Attempt
For the purpose of the story, the mission is treated as not even attempted. None of the players who completed it will lose any committed forces, but will also not receive any reward whatsoever.
- 15% to 25% of participants complete the mission objective – Rout
The mission failed and you took heavy losses. The objective of the mission was not achieved. The committed vehicle is lost and so are all of the troops participating in the mission. Some of them technically make it back of course, but these are mercenaries – seeing your leadership incompetence, they won’t work with you ever again. You will not receive any rewards and the enemy now knows the identity of the attacker. Next time, they will be ready for it, or might even retaliate. In case of powerful enemies, this will have severe consequences.
Morale effect: -2
- 25% to 35% of participants complete the mission objective – Orderly Retreat
The mission failed, but you managed to retreat in an orderly fashion. The objective of the mission was not achieved. You lose the committed vehicles and one half of your committed troops. However, you managed to cover your tracks well enough for the enemy to be unable to discern your identity. Players who complete the mission will receive 50 percent of divisible rewards and no indivisible rewards.
Morale effect: -1
- 35% to 45% of participants complete the mission objective – Pyrrhic Victory
The mission succeeded, but only just about. The objective of the mission was achieved. You do not lose the committed vehicles, but you lose one third of the committed troops. As a result, you will receive 50 percent of divisible rewards, one indivisible reward of the lowest value (if multiple indivisible rewards are offered) or no indivisible reward (if only one was offered). Such “victories” can hardly count as a success and Perihelion cannot afford them in the long run.
Morale effect: -1
- 45% to 65% of participants complete the mission objective – Solid Victory
This is the main “success” result – the mission succeeded, you do not lose any assets and will receive full rewards as per the mission description.
Morale effect: 0 (+1 if multiple Solid Victory results appear within one episode)
- 65% to 80% of participants complete the mission objective – Major Victory
The mission went better than expected. You routed the enemy and it will take a lot of effort for them to rally, which leaves you with enough time to properly do what you came to do. The mission succeeded, you lost no assets. You will also receive 150 percent of divisible rewards.
Morale effect: +1 (+2 if multiple Major Victory results appear within one episode)
- 80% and more participants complete the mission objective – Legendary Victory
They never knew what hit them. The mission succeeded, you lost no assets. You will also receive 200 percent of divisible rewards.
Morale effect: +2
Just to clarify:
- Divisible rewards are rewards that are not singular – that is, for example, Gold, Boosters, Loot Crates, Credits and other such items
- Indivisible rewards are rewards where you only receive a single item (decal, flag, title, avatar, camouflage, base paint, skin or a vehicle)
Please note that the number of players determining the result is based on the initial status of the Episode. If an Episode starts with 2500 eligible players and 1000 join during it (if this option is available), a 50% requirement translates into 1250 players (those 1000 newly joined do not count).
Our advice at this point would be to think very hard on what missions you actually want to complete. Depending on the context, completing some missions can complicate your situation considerably or even prevent you from completing some future objectives. If you aren’t sure what to do (or if you are and want to share), it’s highly advisable to visit our dedicated Discord channel and discuss it there.