
Update 0.170 Now Available


We are happy to announce that the Update 0.170 is now available!


List of Update 0.170 Changes

Tales from the Dark Battle Path Fixes

In this update, we are correcting several issues of the Tales from the Dark Battle Path and its vehicles:

  • The list of MBTs required for the Russian MBT missions now appears correctly
  • Changed the requirement of the mission to deal HEAT damage while driving Russian MBTs from 80000 to the correct 70000 value
  • The Ghost of Moscow mission can now be completed using BTR-82A
  • M1A2 SEP V3 PL can now be correctly purchased from the Battle Path shop
  • The Rusalka skin is now correctly called in French and has the correct Battle Path logo
  • BMP-2M: Upgraded armor now works correctly
  • BMP-2M: Fixed the gun model on the destroyed version of the vehicle
  • BMP-2M: Fixed the incorrect camouflage layout for the armor upgrade configuration
  • BMP-2M: Troop compartment is no longer painted with camouflage
  • BMP-2M: Modules now have correct names
  • BMP-2M: Troop compartment door now has a correct model
  • BMP-2M: Exhaust grille now has a correct model
  • BTR-82A: Upgraded armor now works correctly
  • BTR-82A: ATGM launchers are no longer static and elevate now correctly
  • BTR-82A: Fixed the appearance of armor in the Armor Inspector window
  • BTR-82A: Broken gun model no longer clips through a hatch
  • BTR-82A: Brake lights are now working correctly
  • BTR-82A: Destroyed wheel no longer appears extra muddy
  • BTR-82A: Minor fixes of the vehicle’s destroyed model
  • BTR-82A: Minor fixes of the vehicle’s silhouette in the UI
  • BTR-82A: Minor fixes of the vehicle’s textures
  • T-90M: Added ballistic nets to the turret
  • T-90M: Vehicle now has its correct rubber bands around the wheels
  • T-90M: Vehicle now has its correct gun recoil animation
  • T-90M: Corrected the model of the rubber skirts under the ERA
  • T-90M: Tracks and other incorrect elements no longer change color based on the used paint
  • T-90M: APS model no longer disappears when destroyed
  • T-90M: Fixed the first person camera in the Observer mode
  • T-90M: Fixed the ATGM reloading indicator when activating or deactivating its ability
  • T-90M: Fixed the visual glitches appearing near tracks during movement
  • T-90M: Fixed the general camouflage layout
  • T-90M: Fixed the flag positioning
  • T-90M: Rear decal slot is no longer reversed
  • T-90M: Fixed the color of positioning lights

Modern APFSDS Ammunition Fix

In Armored Warfare, there is a type of APFSDS ammunition that’s called “modern” – vehicles with these kinetic shells are able to defeat a single layer of ERA (much like tandem HEAT warheads).

Previously, the only way how to tell the vehicle’s kinetic shell has this property was to check the Traits section of the vehicle’s description. As a result, very few players knew about it because the shells themselves still showed as standard shells. In this update, we have created two new ammunition categories:

  • APFSDS-M (Modern APFSDS)
  • APFSDS-MDU (Modern APFSDS with Depleted Uranium penetrator)

And we have assigned the appropriate shells to these categories. This concerns the following vehicles (and their Premium variants):

  • AbramsX
  • M1A2C
  • M8-120 Thunderbolt II
  • T-14 Armata (125mm only)
  • T-90M Proryv
  • TTB
  • XM1A3

Please note that the localization of this feature might not be finished at release and will be added in the next update.

Additional Vehicle Fixes and Updates

With each patch we continue (and will continue) to update vehicles based on your feedback and fix them. In this update, we have the following changes for you:

  • Fixed an issue where parts of multiple vehicles disappeared (BMPT guns, parts of C13 TUA launcher etc.)
  • Ajax: Fixed the Desert Ajax skin textures under the turret
  • M8-120 Thunderbolt II: Vehicle now uses the turret-mounted M2 Browning instead of the incorrectly modeled coaxial machinegun (the damage and penetration will be adjusted in the next update to correspond to its correct 12.7mm caliber)
  • Merkava Mk.4: Troop compartment module now has a correct icon
  • Merkava Mk.4M: Troop compartment module now has a correct icon
  • Object 640: Reduced the amount of clip rounds from 5 to 4
  • Object 640: Somewhat reduced the characteristics of the upgraded engine (except for the top speed)
  • T-90A: Fixed the Relikt armor upgrade
  • T-90MS: Removed the incorrectly issued double hard-kill APS function

General Changes

  • Optimized the Garage UI in order to increase its stability
  • Fixed several localization issues
  • Added a number of assets
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