We are happy to announce that the Asian-themed Spirithaven season is now available!
The core of the Spirithaven season is a new set of Asian (mostly Japanese and Korean) vehicles as well as the continuation of the Special Operations storyline, but also the addition and improvements of various aspects of the game. Here’s what’s new:
New Asian Vehicles
A new set of Asian progression vehicles appears in Francine De Laroche’s vehicle pool, each with fairly different playstyle.
Click the image to open a larger version
The following vehicles are initially available:
- Type 16 MCV Tier 7 TD – unlocked either from C13 TUA (Francine De Laroche) or Type 90-II (Zhang Feng), this wheeled Tank Destroyer is somewhat similar to the Centauro. Unlike the Centauro, however, it features a unique ability called AI Target Assistant, allowing you to aim more precisely at moving targets. You can read more about it in our dedicated article
- Harimau Tier 8 LT – this Indonesian machine is the embodiment of what makes the Light Tank class so fun to play – fast and well-armed, it is perfect for aggressive gameplay the Light Tank drivers love so much. You can read more about it in our dedicated article
Additionally, a Premium vehicle will be available at launch:
- K21 Tier 8 AFV – this fast Korean IFV with powerful armament will be available for Gold directly in the game. With its excellent mobility, it is the perfect tool for delivering infantry right where it needs to be. You can read more about it in our dedicated article
But that’s just the beginning. Three more progression vehicles will be arriving at a later date during the season:
- K-153C Tier 9 AFV, a light four-wheeled highly mobile platform armed with a double Javelin-like Raybolt ATGM launcher. You can read more about it in our dedicated article
- AS21 Redback Tier 9 AFV, a heavy IFV with all the gameplay systems you know and love – top-attack Javelin style ATGMs, 30mm PELE rounds and Mechanized Infantry. You can read more about it in our dedicated article
- And yes, finally, the long-awaited K2 Black Panther Tier 10 MBT itself with its own slew of interesting characteristics and gameplay elements that we will tell you more about in the near future.
Of course, what would be a new line with additional customization elements? New camouflages, decals and vehicle-related achievements await you as well as a brand-new commander, Kwon Han. This Lodestar GmbH veteran will come with a unique set of abilities suitable for the fast-paced gameplay the new vehicles offer. You can read more about him in our dedicated article
Spirithaven Special Operations
Almost a year has passed since Hana Buric and Austin Harper helped Magnus Holter to escape Enigma's Moscow prison. The Resistance grew stronger, but it's still not powerful enough to wage a large scale war. That is why Magnus offered to capture a key asset of the enemy — James Todd Litteral, the leader on the National Patriot Activist Army.
He's one of the few people on the planet, who can provide the Resistance with Enigma's command center coordinates, allowing them to take out Enigma and its leader, Victor Blaze, in one fell swoop.
Four new Special Operation missions await you during this season. Two missions are currently available with two more coming during the season.
New Contract Mission Campaign
A new Contract Mission campaign also awaits you in Update 0.31 with similar mechanics to those used during the American Dream one. We’ve made a few tweaks for your convenience but the core of it will remain the same. In fact, there will only one major difference – the main prize.
This time, you’ll be able to unlock the Type 89 Tier 7 AFV with its excellent mobility and firepower. You can read more about it in our dedicated article
New Battle UI
This season, we’re introducing a brand-new in-battle User Interface. This is something we wanted to do for a while now and hope that this iteration will be to your liking.
More improvements and customization options are coming in the foreseeable future. In this dedicated article, you can learn more about the center part of the new UI.
Graphics Improvements
Along with the new UI, we are introducing a number of visual enhancements to the game. Take a look:
Not only do the new models look amazing, we are also introducing the following changes to the appearance of the existing ones:
- Dynamic Dirt system
- Overall graphics improvements for all models
You can read all about these improvements in our dedicated article.
Supercharged APS
We’re introducing two types of APS modes that are acting like active abilities rather than standard APS:
- Supercharged Hard-Kill APS (intercepting most incoming projectiles for a short period of time)
- Supercharged Soft-Kill APS (diverting enemy ATGMs away from your vehicle)
You can read about both systems in our dedicated article.
Further Season Plans
All of the above is, however, only just a portion of what the Spirithaven season will offer. A steady stream of content will be available throughout the season.
Here’s what you can look forward to in the next couple of months:
- Mid-March: Third Special Operation
- Late March: K-153C, AS21 Redback, K2 Black Panther, Commander Kwon Han, Artillery in Global Operations, improved Team Damage punishment system
- End of March: Fourth Special Operation
- End of March: Major, yet unannounced event
- April to May: A number of events and seasonal celebrations
You can read more about the contents of Update 0.31 below:
New Special Operation
Two epic Special Operation missions await you, taking place in Japan. These will, of course, come with new achievements:
- Shogun (several stages)
- Shiroyama
- You are Already Dead
- Hesitation is Defeat
- Five Ways
More achievements will be added along with the two remaining Spirithaven Special Operation missions. This season also comes with a new, Japan-themed Garage.
Graphics Improvements
We are introducing a number of visual enhancements to the game, including improved vehicle model looks as well as the Dynamic Dirt system, where vehicles get progressively more dirty as they drive through mud, sand and snow. You can read all about these improvements in our dedicated article.
New Contract Campaign
A new Contract Mission campaign awaits you in Update 0.31 with similar mechanics to those used during the American Dream one. We've made a few tweaks for your convenience but the core of it will remain the same. In fact, there will only one major difference – the main prize. This time, you'll be able to unlock the Type 89 Tier 7 AFV with its excellent mobility and firepower.
With that being said, we've made the following changes to the Contract Missions this season:
- Increased the daily mission point value in order to allow for faster completion of the Contract
- Added four new missions that require the use of Mechanized Infantry
- Added a new daily mission "A bit of Experience" requiring you to obtain 600 net XP points
- Added a new daily mission "Sniper" requiring you to destroy or assist in destroying 30 enemies in PvE (victorious battles only count)
- The "Headhunter" mission, requiring you to destroy enemies, now also counts assists but it does require 10 kills or assists in PvE or 2 kills or assists in Random Battles (PvP)
- The "Hard Core" mission, requiring you to repeal a certain amount of damage, now also requires you to repel the most damage from both teams
- The "Harvest" mission, like the Headhunter one, now also counts assists, but the required amount of kills was increased to 10 for Random Battles and 20 for Global Operations
- The "Best of the Best" mission no longer requires you to win the battle
- The "Total Elimination" mission now requires a victory to count
- The "Perfect Streak" mission now requires you to be first in XP from both teams, but the amount of reward points for it was increased to 30
It's worth noting that if you obtained the previous contract vehicles (ZUBR PSP, Stryker ADATS) but have not completed its upgrade objectives, the Spirithaven contracts will also count towards those.
Supercharged APS
We're introducing two types of APS modes that are acting like active abilities rather than standard APS:
- Supercharged Hard-Kill APS (intercepting most incoming projectiles for a short period of time)
- Supercharged Soft-Kill APS (diverting enemy ATGMs away from your vehicle)
You can read about both systems in our dedicated article. Please note that the ability is only available if the corresponding APS module is installed on the vehicle.
Commander Rebalance
We are introducing a number of changes to the less popular commanders that are now available in the game in order to increase their usefulness as well as to tweak their performance in general. These commanders include:
- Viktor Kirsanov
- Rashid Al-Atassi
- Juan Carlos Miramon
- Ioannis Sanna
- Rachel Kramer
- Maximillian Koenig and Fyodor Sokolov
- Kathryn Grey
- Alisa Korhonen
You can read about the changes made to each of them in our dedicated article. Please note that the affected commanders will have their skills reset for free.
Item Transfer
It's now possible to give the skins obtained from seasonal Loot Crates (such as the American Loot Crate) to other players. This is not limited to Battalions.
However, what is limited to Battalions is the ability to transfer Hades vehicle blueprints and the bundle of 10 Experimental Field Repair Kits as well as Battalion Contract visual rewards. These items can only be transferred to another Battalion member.
General Changes
- In order for a piece of foliage (bush, canopy) to provide a vehicle with a camouflage bonus, the vehicle now has to be within 15 meters of the bush's outer edge
- Fixed an issue where a bush would stop providing your vehicle with camouflage if more than half of your vehicle's hull was inside of the bush
- Gunner level now also reduced the influence of soft-kill APS on your ATGM accuracy
- Gunners now have an optional skill that increases the control level of your own ATGM control
- Vehicles no longer lose excessive speed when running over infantry
- All passive soft-kill APS sets now work from any angle
- Several epic medals (Scout's Crest, Steel Sword, Iron Dragon, Order of Resistance and Steel Wings) can now only be obtained if your team has 10 players in it or more
- The Win Streak contract mission, requiring you to win several matches in a row, no longer –progress-resets if you lose a match with less than 10 players in one team
- Fixed the issue that sometimes caused the Assault Squad achievement from the Arabian Nights season to not be awarded correctly
- Vehicle ricochet decal no longer looks like a non-penetration one
- Reduced the machinegun muzzle flash effect
- Fixed an issue where a Battalion leader could not receive a Battalion Contract reward if he entered the Battalion while the Contract was already active
- Fixed an issue where, for moving vehicles, the tracer effects would sometimes "lag behind" the vehicle
- Enhanced the way team damage punishments work
- Fixed several issues that caused the game to crash
- Added an upper limit to the game's FPS in battle (360 FPS) so that extremely powerful PCs will no longer run the game with higher FPS than this one
- Fixed the game optimization of infantry models
New Progression Vehicles
A new set of Asian progression vehicles will be added to Francine De Laroche's vehicle pool. The Spirithaven vehicles will (apart from all being Asian) be fairly individual with each one offering a different playstyle. Update 0.31 is launching with the following vehicles being available:
- Type 16 MCV Tier 7 TD– unlocked either from C13 TUA (Francine De Laroche) or Type 90-II (Zhang Feng), this wheeled Tank Destroyer is somewhat similar to the Centauro. It will, however, feature a unique ability called AI Target Assistant, allowing you to aim more precisely at moving targets (either by autoaim or by following the HUD indicator that shows you where to fire in order to hit a moving target, much like a fighter jet would do). You can read more about it in our dedicated article
- Harimau Tier 8 LT – this Indonesian Light Tank will be the embodiment of what makes the Light Tank class so fun to play – fast and well-armed, it will be perfect for aggressive gameplay the Light Tank drivers love so much. You can read more about it in our dedicated article
Additionally, two Premium vehicles will be available at launch:
- K21 Tier 8 AFV – this fast Korean IFV with powerful armament is available for Gold directly in the game. With its excellent mobility, it will be the perfect tool for delivering infantry right where it needs to be. You can read more about it in our dedicated article
- Type 89 Tier 7 AFV – this Japanese indigenous IFV is available as a top reward for the new Contract Mission design. You can read more about it in our dedicated article
General Changes
- Updated the acceleration UI values for all vehicles– the vehicles are not accelerating worse or better but the UI now displays the correct values
- Several Chinese vehicles had their shell performance improved by changing them to Depleted Uranium ones
- Fixed an issue where the VBL and VBR ATGMs accelerated too slowly
- Improved the IR spotlight model for the M60 and M60A2 MBTs
- Fixed an issue where Type 79 and Type 62 would not lose any camouflage while moving
- Fixed the UI description traits for several vehicles (Challenger Falcon and PLZ-89 now have a clip-style magazine while PTZ-89 does not)
- Fixed the issue where some vehicles would their hard-kill APS listed as soft-kill in the battle UI
- Active APS sound is now louder
- Fixed a number of small vehicle collision model issues
- Fixed a large number of small visual issues on multiple models (small texture adjustments etc.)
Abrams AGDS
- Fixed the issue where it was impossible to deal damage to enemy vehicles while standing very close to them
- APS maximum range increased from 150m to 400m
- APS reload time reduced from 30s to 25s
- Fixed the appearance of its turret textures
AMX 10 PAC 90 Fox
- Fixed this vehicle's icon
BM Oplot
- Amount of APS charges increased from 2 to 4
- APS reload time increased from 5s to 15s
- Fixed the 9M113 ATGM damage that was too high (reduced from 760 to 685)
BMPT Prototype
- 30mm 3UBR11 shell type changed from APDS to APFSDS with its damage per shot increased from 40 to 45
Bradley AAWS-H
- Kinetic missile damage no longer scales with distance and will always remain at 750 damage per shot
- Fixed the issue where the incorrectly set turret collision model could cause the turret to get stuck, bump into things etc.
- Reduced the protection from HEAT projectiles (kinetic projectile protection remains the same)
- This vehicle now has a Ready Rack mechanism
- Reload time between shots increased
- The current active abilities (Overdrive, Rapid Fire) were replaced by the Zero In ability (increasing the reload speed and camouflage at the expense of mobility)
- Reduced hitpoints from 3750 to 3650
- This vehicle now has a KPVT 14.5mm machinegun available instead of the standard 7.62mm one with its performance somewhere between the usual MG and a light autocannon, making it an effective tool for immobilizing the enemy, fighting light vehicles or destroying external modules
- Fixed the gun and shell names to correspond to real life
- Module bonus to view range reduced from 50m to 25m
- Added a new, alternative 120mm Rh 120 L/44 gun that can be selected on the Upgrades screen. This gun has higher penetration but lower damage than the 152mm version, but also higher rate of fire and better aiming time
- Improved this vehicle's visual model
- Fixed an issue where the vehicle's front position lights would light up when driving in reverse
- GALIX soft-kill APS range reduced from 300 to 275m
- GALIX soft-kill efficiency (its effect on ATGM control loss) increased from 7 to 11
Leclerc Prototype
- Increased the width of its smoke screen
Leclerc T4
- GALIX soft-kill APS range reduced from 300 to 275m
- GALIX soft-kill efficiency (its effect on ATGM control loss) increased from 7 to 11
Leclerc T40
- GALIX soft-kill APS range reduced from 300 to 275m
- GALIX soft-kill efficiency (its effect on ATGM control loss) increased from 7 to 11
- Fixed this vehicle's collision model (most notably the turret and ERA blocs)
Leopard 1
- Improved the stock kinetic shell penetration from 280mm to 310mm
- Improved the upgraded kinetic shell penetration from 310mm to 370mm
Leopard 2
- Fixed the issue where the 120mm gun would not deal any damage at very close ranges
M-95 Degman
- Soft-kill APS was replaced by a Laser Warning Receiver
- Improved the upgraded tracks bonuses to acceleration and hull traverse for off-road terrain (3 to 50 percent) and for difficult terrain (18 to 30 percent)
M1128 Stryker
- Fixed an issue where this vehicle had too thick roof armor (139mm instead of the intended value of 46mm)
- Fixed an issue where, upon the installation of the ERA armor upgrade, the APS model would be hidden behind it
- Removed the incorrectly issued 5 percent camouflage bonus from the Improved Tracks module
M1A2 Abrams
- Corrected the gun visual model
M1A2C Abrams
- Corrected the gun visual model
M2A3 Bradley
- Improved the vehicle's overall appearance (including glass surfaces, headlights and such)
M8 Buford
- Improved the vehicle's appearance
- Reduced its mantlet armor
- Fixed several other smaller issues with this vehicle's armor
M8 Thunderbolt II
- Improved the vehicle's appearance
- Fixed several issues with this vehicle's armor
M8 MGM-166
- Kinetic missile damage no longer scales with distance and will always remain at 750 damage per shot
- Reload time increased from 4 to 4.8s
- Reduced the stock engine 0-32 km/h acceleration from 3s to 3.6s
- Reduced the upgraded engine 0-32 km/h acceleration from 2.3s to 3.5s
- Maximum speed reduced
- Improved this vehicle's visual model
Object 279
- This vehicle now has a KPVT 14.5mm machinegun available instead of the standard 7.62mm one with its performance somewhere between the usual MG and a light autocannon, making it an effective tool for immobilizing the enemy, fighting light vehicles or destroying external modules
Object 287
- Fixed the issue that caused reload problems when firing both guns at once
Object 490
- Fixed an issue where the hydraulic suspension would not work when traversing the turret
Object 640
- Slightly increased this vehicle's armor
- Improved the armor thickness of sides and lower front plate
- Reduced the armor thickness of the turret areas covered by ERA
- Added the choice between Rapid Fire and Overdrive Active Abilities
- This vehicle now has a three-round Ready Rack
- Fixed the UI values regarding this vehicle's mobility (the mobility itself remained the same)
- Hard-kill APS LEDS-150 changed into LEDS Next Gen Prototype, increasing its charges from 6 to 8 and reducing its minimum range from 20m to 15m
- Fixed the issue where the ADAPTIV camouflage system would provide lower than intended bonus to camouflage
- It is now impossible to launch the recon missile if there's an obstacle above the vehicle blocking its path
- Fixed the issue where its destroyed model would appear with black textures
Rooikat 76
- Fixed this vehicle's wheel models to correspond to those used in real life with the hybrid drive
Sho't Kal Dalet
- Improved the HEAT shell penetration from 300mm to 370mm
- Improved the kinetic shell penetration from 280mm to 310mm
Shadow RST-V
- Fixed the issue where this vehicle's jammer was also affecting the allied team
- Fixed the issue where its wheels appear intact when destroyed
Stingray 2
- Improved this vehicle's visual model
- Fixed the icon of the Black Eagle variant
T-14 Armata
- Improved this vehicle's visual appearance
- This vehicle now has a 12.7mm machinegun available
- Improved rear hull armor to provide protection against 12.7mm machineguns
T-15 Armata
- Improved rear hull armor to provide protection against 12.7mm machineguns
- Reduced the thickness of the upper frontal armor additional plate but correspondingly improved the thickness of the upper frontal plate itself so that installing ERA no longer nerfs the upper frontal plate thickness
- This vehicle now has a 12.7mm machinegun available
- Improved this vehicle's visual model
VCAC Mephisto
- The Enchanted skin now appears correctly on minimum settings
Wilk XC-8
- Fixed the issue where its PELE shells would disappear upon contact with water
WPB Anders
- Fixed the appearance of its Zaslon-L APS
WWO Wilk
- Fixed the name of the gun
- This vehicle can now deploy Mechanized Infantry
- This vehicle now has access to the Stealth Active Ability, increasing its camouflage at the cost of mobility
- Fixed the name of the gun
- Cold Strike: Fixed the collision model of bus wreckage (it is now possible to correctly fire through its windows)
- Ghost Field: We rebalanced the spawn points by moving the upper left one closer to the map's corner, allowing that side to better react to the capture and appearance of the upper central objective (initial starting positions remain the same)
- Ghost Field: We also moved the upper objective, making it easier for the left team to hold
- Ghost Field: Fixed the collision model of several stones
- Added two Spirithaven Special Operations
- Banshee: Fixed the issue that caused players to clip into and get stuck in an environmental object in sector E8
- American Dream, Chapter 2: Fixed the issue where some background objects would flicker
- American Dream, Chapter 2: Fixed the issue where a puddle of water would significantly slow down your vehicle
- American Dream, Chapter 3: Fixed the issue where the first objective capture circle would not appear if a player joined the battle after this objective had been activated
- American Dream, Chapter 3: Fixed the issue where the initial cutscene would sometimes play incorrectly
- American Dream, all Chapters: Fixed a number of smaller visual and collision issues
- Black Sea Incursion, Chapter 1: Fixed the game freezes during the initial cutscene
- Rooikat is now available as an AI-driven vehicle
New Battle Interface
This season, we're introducing a brand-new in-battle User Interface. The goal of this overhaul was not only to introduce a more convenient way of targeting your enemies and keeping track of your own status, but also to improve the UI performance. With that being said, we've made the following improvements:
- When your module is destroyed, an icon identifying the module will appear under your reticle along with its repair time
- When your vehicle is getting flooded by water, an icon with a timer will appear below the reticle section
- When your vehicle is on fire, an icon with damage dealt by the fire will appear below the reticle section
- Updated the Javelin ATGM lock indicator
- Added new bars of different colors to the reticle, indicating the results of hits (white – non-penetrations or ricochets, orange – penetration, green – target destroyed)
- Active and passive commander abilities now appear on the health bar below the reticle section, including Ophelia's shield ability and Alisa's Mysterious Stranger reload time
- Added new received damage indicators around the reticle system, showing both received damage and direction from which the shot came
- Text and graphic feedback line was added below the reticle section, containing the info about the damaged enemy vehicle or vehicles
- Aiming at an enemy vehicle will show its modules and their status
This UI is partially customizable, see the Settings tab for more information.
General Changes
- The Help UI tooltip now shows the correct tips for the new Battle UI
- Overhauled the way the loading screens look for all modes
- Overhauled the way the Settings screen looks
- Additional progression modules are now marked with two stars
- Added a new filter option to the Garage, showing you vehicles with Mechanized Infantry
- Removed the obsolete keyboard settings that were left in the UI after the consumable overhaul
- The Incoming Received and Outgoing Damage tabs now have the most recent entry always on top
- Added the Settings option to switch chromatic aberration and dirty gun sight effect on or off
- Fixed an issue where the game could stop reacting after the use of the Alt-Tab key combination
- Fixed an issue where switching to different shells when reloading could lead to a change of the vehicle's reload time
- Fixed an issue where Ophelia Kitescu's main skill would not work after you deploy Mechanized Infantry
- Fixed an issue where the Steel Eagle requirement in Overprogression would not show the mode requirements correctly
- Fixed the machinegun visual effect appearing when firing in the Sniper mode
- Fixed the M48 GAU-8 shell icon
- Fixed the issue where a player killed by a Javelin would see incorrect info about the killer
- Fixed the issue that caused your infantry icons to appear incorrectly upon returning to battle after a disconnect
- Fixed an issue where some vehicles would not have their Active Abilities displayed in the Garage UI
- Fixed the description of Rashid Al-Atassi's skills that increase ATGM control
- Fixed an issue where completing an Arabian Nights Special Operation would result in the appearance of a message about having completed a nonsensical "zero" achievement
- Fixed an issue where the discount marker on discounted visual customization options could appear incorrectly
- Fixed the appearance of road paintings at crossroads on several maps
- Fixed an issue where a doubleclick was required to obtain a Battle Path reward in the UI
- Fixed an UI issue where new Battalion members would not see the Battalion Contract start timer
- Fixed several smaller UI issues
See you on the battlefield!