The wait is finally over – the Age of Rage Battle Path campaign starts today. It’s high time you show the world what real rage against the machine looks like!
This three-month-long anarchist-themed campaign offers you the opportunity to get your hands on three very special reward vehicles, including the coveted Object 490 Tier 10 Premium MBT, but other valuable prizes are also available, including Commander Ophelia Kitescu, skins, decals and much more. You can find more information about the campaign in the Frequently Asked Questions section below.
In order to join the Battle Path campaign, please enter the game and click on the Age of Rage icon on the upper bar.
From there, you can simply purchase the Battle Path access (either for currency or for Gold).
The following options are available:
Anarchist Pack, containing:
- Battle Path access
- Player title: “Mutineer”
- Decal: “Clown Mask”
Object 490:
Object 490 Destroyer skin:
Object 490 Devastator skin:
M50 Ontos:
Rage skins:
Chaos camouflage:
Additionally, for the players who want to start with an extra boost, we have the following bundle available:
Rioter Pack, containing:
- Battle Path access
- Player title: “Mutineer”
- Decal: “Clown Mask”
- Battle Coins: 40.000 (enough to boost your progress to Level 19)
Both options are also available on MyLoot and in our Web Shop.
Please note that there might be a delay of up to 10 minutes between the purchase and the access to the event.
How does it all work?
Simply put, you earn Battle Coins by completing missions and then spend them to raise your Battle Path level while earning Battle Path Premium vehicles, camouflages, player avatars, skins, decals and other goodies, including a reward tank with Premium status, the Tier 10 Object 490 MBT. You can also get other Premium vehicles as well as two Object 490 skins.
What do I have to do?
The Battle Path campaign is divided into four paths (mission chains), each with its set of many missions. But, more importantly, there are the new Repeatable Battle Coins missions available each day, called:
- Piece of Cake
- Grinding
- Need More Coins
By completing the missions, you will receive Battle Coins, which are used to increase your level. Repeatable Battle Coin missions are your most important source of Battle Coins.
Other rewards for completing missions include exclusive Rage skins (for Centauro 105, FV510 Warrior, T-90), Gold, various Loot Crates, Boosters, Credits and Commander Ophelia Kitescu.
How many levels are there and why should I care?
There are 60 levels in total – 50 standard levels and 10 bonus ones for hardcore players. For reaching Level 50, you will receive an exclusive reward tank with Premium status, the Tier 10 Object 490 along with the “Destroyer” skin for it. Levels 51 to 60 award special Elite Supply Crates.
For reaching the ultimate Level 60, you will receive another skin for the Object 490 called “Devastator” as well as an Age of Rage flag. Along with these prizes, various other rewards await you for every level you reach. Their list can be found on the Battle Path progress bar in the game.
What are Elite Supply Crates?
Elite Supply Crates are available for reaching Battle Path Levels 51-60. They cannot be obtained outside of a Battle Path and contain guaranteed Tier 6 or higher Premium vehicle drops (including older Battle Path vehicles), rare commanders (including Cortez and Alisa Korhonen) or a large amount of Battle Coins for the Battle Path that will come after the Age of Rage – this way, after obtaining the Object 490, you can not only obtain otherwise unavailable items, but also prepare for the future. These Battle Coins are, however, redeemable even in the Age of Rage Battle Path.
How can I start a mission chain (path)?
In order to start a mission chain, you need a pass. You will receive a free pass on Level 1, 7 and 12 – you decide which chain you wish to unlock and when. In order to unlock the access to the fourth chain (the “Madness” missions), you need to complete all the three previous chains first.
What are the Battle Coins?
The Battle Coins are a unique currency, required to advance through Battle Path levels. You can also spend Battle Coins on completing difficult missions without having to actually complete their requirements in the game. On the Battle Path screen, you can see your Battle Coin balance in the upper right corner.
How can I obtain Battle Coins?
There are several ways of obtaining them:
- By completing Repeatable Battle Coins missions
- By completing missions from one of the four mission chains – almost each completed mission will award you with a certain amount of Battle Coins
- By purchasing them or winning them in an official Armored Warfare event
- By just playing – it’s worth noting that obtaining them is restricted to Tier 3 vehicles or higher and to the higher difficulty setting in PvE
It’s worth noting that:
- Special Battle Coin boosters can be obtained for Repeatable Battle Coin missions and for Battle Path level progression, increasing your Battle Coin income for two hours by 900 percent (these can also be saved for future Battle Paths)
- We have implemented a new queue compensation mechanism for players who wait a bit too long in queues. Long waits will be compensated by increased Battle Coin income
- You will get Battle Coins for playing even without Battle Path access
The amount of Battle Coins for playing is calculated as such:
For each minute you spend alive in battle (with the exclusion of downtime such as waiting for a respawn), you will receive 1 to 3 Battle Coins in PvE and 2 to 4 in PvP (including Global Operations). Furthermore, winning increases this income by 25 percent in PvE (including Special Operations) and by 50 percent in PvP and GLOPS. Additionally, the best players of the team by Experience obtained will receive an additional bonus – extra 4 Battle Coins for being first in PvE or Spec Ops, extra 5 Battle Coins for ending up in Top 3 in PvP and, last but not least, extra 10 Battle Coins for ending up in Top 3 in GLOPS match.
How long will the campaign be available?
The Battle Path missions will be available for the duration of 3 months. The remaining time can be seen in the Battle Path window in the game.
What unique prizes can I look forward to for participating in the Battle Path?
The Battle Path level prizes include:
Battle Path mission rewards include:
- Centauro 105 Rage skin
- FV510 Warrior Rage skin
- T-90 Rage skin
- Commander Ophelia Kitescu
I unlocked a prize (skin, decal etc.) but I can't see it listed anywhere, where is it?
Before they can be used, prizes such as skins, decals and other items first appear in the Inventory window under the Goods tab. Please go there first and activate them.
How do I unlock a mission chain (Path)?
You can unlock it by using a pass. A pass can be obtained by reaching Level 1, 7 and 12 respectively.
Can I complete the missions within a chain in any order?
No. You need to complete them in the order specified by each chain, one after another. It is, however, possible to complete a mission by spending extra Battle Coins. You can see which mission is currently active by visiting the Mission tab of the Battle Path window. The completed missions are marked with a green ticker and the missions that are yet to be unlocked are marked with a lock icon.
How many Battle Coins does unlocking each level cost?
Advancing to another level costs 50 to 1250 Battle Coins for Levels 1-9, 3300 Battle Coins for levels 10-50 and 32500 for bonus levels 51-60.
Can I see the progress of my missions in the game?
Yes, in the Battle Path window.
Can I complete more missions at the same time, or the next one only starts after the previous one is finished?
The next one only starts after the previous one is finished. You need to pick up your mission reward manually in the Battle Path window in order to activate the next mission. However, if you earn more than one pass and unlock multiple chains at the same time, it is theoretically possible to have up to three missions active simultaneously and to complete them all in one battle (if their requirements do not prohibit you from doing so).
How do I know what vehicles to use and what modes to enter when completing a mission?
Mission requirements are stated in each mission’s description, although no missions can be completed in a Tier 1 or Tier 2 vehicle in PvP or in PvE Easy mode. “Madness” chain missions can only be completed in a Tier 9 or Tier 10 vehicle.
Do I also need a pass for the Madness mission chain?
No, it is unlocked automatically once you complete all three previous Paths (mission chains).
When do I receive a prize that I win, for example by advancing by a level?
You will receive it automatically, within 30 minutes of you receiving it.
If I didn’t receive the reward I won fair and square, what do I do?
Please contact our support service.
I’ve seen a reference to the Age of Rage crates. Can you tell me more about them?
The Age of Rage Loot Crates will be obtainable in the future in exchange for surplus Battle Coins. They will work basically the same as the Wasteland Loot Crates from the last Battle Path. They will include a Battle Path vehicle, the M-95 Degman MBT – either directly or its blueprints.
The main difference is that these Loot Crates will no longer drop temporary Premium vehicles and that, instead of being able to sell them for Gold, you’ll be able to sell their contents for Battle Coins.
Enjoy the event and see you on the battlefield!