
We are bringing you the first mission results of Storyline Campaign Episode 1. But first things first – the eligibility.
Eligible Players
The following players completed the old “Way of the Warrior” requirement (victories in BMP-1 and BMP-2 AFVs) and became eligible for the Storyline Campaign before this requirement got changed to the next one:
- Adron
- canon81
- Draxion
- Chrsp255
- MAJ_XevoC
- Nerpynerp
- ombres77
- RatPoison
- Remist
- The-Madman
- TornadoADV
Kudos to you, warriors, for doing things the hard way. You will receive a special reward in the form of 5 Platinum Loot Crates.
The following players completed the mission “Additional Training”:
- Abandinus
- Akira-1982
- Ambraxas
- Amppy
- Baron_Georg
- Bazel
- bigsnape
- Bigtone1951
- bimre
- Bitamin_ROK
- BlackEvil2008
- Bob_Magilica
- Buccaner_3000
- BULL1234
- CabiHun
- calbrit
- copbaythu
- corgthebeast
- CorrosivePrimed
- cpt_cook
- Currahee1SG
- Darksaber-CZ
- Defender72_1
- dkhi
- DThurow
- Efedros
- Elegost
- EpicBaconStrips
- Eypon
- Fanlip
- freddy_z0ckt
- GamingsFinest
- Gargamel0
- Gouverneur_Timo
- GreenTermite
- HackePeter
- Hellboy57
- heng0277
- HiKiNiT
- Horsy
- Hostem
- ChasePup
- Icepanther
- Ice-Tube
- idiocy
- Jaleya
- Jane_Saphiro
- JockerKlaus
- joker4440
- juanlos
- judochop
- Jyliac
- K4tz3
- KayGee
- Kebabpower
- kentoo
- Klötenknaxx
- ladik79
- Lasse
- Manmoses1601
- Margot
- markabrunn
- Maulgus
- meesa
- minam7489
- Mondfuchs
- MunjeVrele
- Niev-VN
- Nitro238
- Nova67
- OSN-83
- Partypaco
- patox45200
- Peluri
- pop2507
- prcković
- PSChild
- Pyrion
- Qurczak
- Radar3121
- Radson1999
- raf2103
- RaKsHasHa9
- Rapy_cz
- RatPoison
- RavenClavv
- Ravenwing_129
- Rico32
- Rmanrr
- Roopom
- Root66N1
- Rostdose
- Sergeant_Bill
- Sierra_R
- sonic_07
- Spartan0090
- Spieler-1
- Sturmvogel_53
- Tamahagen
- Tankratte
- ThE_XeUs
- TheGhostPl
- TornadoADV
- trekchu
- w4rf4re
- Warhobo
- wladio
- xave72
- Xsocador
- xX-Puma-Xx
- Yeshim
- zenoniations
- ZKILL_G-doza-MB
And, last but not least, the following players completed the Way of the Merc by winning access in a Social Media contest:
- kupselos
- Talo
- XxoAlExAnDeRoX
The following list therefore contains the currently eligible players:
- A_ru
- A_rvern
- A_Vetruvio
- a3pon
- Abandinus
- Abyss
- AceOfBlades
- addedd
- Adron
- Aericar
- Aerion
- Aethon
- Ahzzie
- Aiiro
- Akira-1982
- alex82rus
- Alfa_Ex
- alfred1959
- AlfredvonGomel
- Alighierian
- Allgemein
- Allounia
- Alpha7
- AlphaDude
- AlphaWolf2448
- AlvyDOB
- Alzoc3
- Ambraxas
- AMOK_John
- Amppy
- Andy74
- Anka-Anka
- Ann-Kathrin
- anulu1234
- anunaky
- AoToA
- Aphidion
- ApoloSorin
- Apuk
- AquaFlame
- Aquascum
- Arcaran
- ArcLight
- ArcTeryX
- Arcticwolfbz
- Argh_Blarghen
- Arhiloh
- Archaeopteryx
- Archangel051
- Arkaba
- armoredDonut
- Arni_xd
- Arri_Shi
- aspirant80
- Asqwel
- AssaultEngineer
- ATankOnTitan
- Atlasian
- Attacker65
- atze4772
- Ausfahrt
- AusterWueste830
- Avalanthium
- Aventhor
- AWDark
- AxleVought
- Ayako
- Azarith
- Azdule
- b1uetears
- Baba_Booey
- Baba_of_Noobs
- baba-yaga-xxxl
- BadFox
- bad-steel
- bagofbones
- Balocco92
- banzai99
- Baobass
- Barake
- Bareideru
- Baron_Georg
- barrettMHF
- Bat_comrad
- Battle_Llama
- battlegirl
- baxter77
- Bazel
- Beeda2004
- beerke
- belbegor
- Beluga61
- Benyamin
- BerserkSplash
- BetaSVK
- Betonman
- bezimiennyPL
- biermsch11
- bigbogo
- bigsnape
- Bigtone1951
- biht
- BillWilsonCIA
- bimre
- Bismarck01
- Bismarck2117
- Bisoprolol
- Bitamin_ROK
- Blabla123
- Black_Stallion
- BlackEvil2008
- BlackPiet
- BlackSamurai_HU
- BlackSide
- Blapowski
- Blazsi14
- Bleddry
- Blokhow
- bloodred0114
- Bluedust
- Bluecheese
- bluenite
- bluesteelxyz
- Bob_Magilica
- bobes1907
- boegeman300
- Bonatius
- boymahina123
- Brethil
- brocken
- broken_Pottery
- bubalus
- bubbas
- bubulle
- Buccaner_3000
- Buckaroo_Banzai
- Bugframe
- Bulk
- BULL1234
- bulsoryung
- Bushmaster1
- CabiHun
- calbrit
- Caligula876
- CannonBreaker
- canon81
- Capt_Chaos
- Captain-Bannon
- Cardex
- Carl_A_Pizza
- Carloveliki
- Cascozi
- ccruler
- Cdnarmy30
- ceejee007
- CellEtAudax
- Centurin
- Cinder
- Clarenbaechlein
- ClaudyDD
- Clouded_Leopard
- Cobra0668
- CodyFett
- ColdSteel66
- ColinM
- Commander_Cold
- CommanderConner
- CommissarTsar
- Coolstartart
- copbaythu
- CoreRemnant
- corgthebeast
- CorrosivePrimed
- CoTurok
- Countz
- Coxie
- Coyote
- Cozmic
- cpt_cook
- Cpt_Kev217
- CptHofman
- CrabbyK
- CraigMitchell
- cronix94
- CrossD-JPN
- CrownlesKing
- CRrreLL
- Cupa
- Currahee1SG
- CWolf1
- cyberseth4A10
- Cyberschreiber
- czaniec13
- Czarny99
- DaisenSeKai
- Dammit_Vadim
- danishcommunis
- DanishSkull
- Dansvp
- dark_demigod
- Dark_Rider
- Darksaber-CZ
- Dark-Souls
- Darth_Sputnik
- DarthAdmiral3
- Data-Zero
- Dayan78
- De4thZ0ne338
- DeAdxMaN
- Dean_Martin
- Death49
- Decarus_Order
- decybel
- Defender72_1
- Dejwu_Z_Bombasu
- deLooney
- Delta
- DemaciaKoMuro
- DemonCarroll
- DemonPrince
- Den3ris
- DENN67
- dennisthemenace
- dens
- Denton_Ranger
- der_brocken
- Der_Master
- DerAlte56
- DerMustang
- DesertKnuckles
- deslok
- Destroyer92777
- dexterav
- dfnce
- dfrom
- diebels63
- Director_Qian
- dkhi
- dogbert
- Doktor_Plama
- domidieudo
- Dominikpa33
- Don_Makedon
- Donerkebab
- DonFurioso
- Donkey46
- DonPep
- DooDooTank
- DoomedGrind
- Doppelpunkt
- Dosi
- double07
- Dr_Dewey
- Drackenfells
- Draco_Gaming
- Dragonbreath1
- Dragonshooter
- drakoff
- Drakonis
- Draxion
- Drdaks
- Dreadbot
- Dreamer45
- DredNaughtie
- Dreganos
- DrLeft
- DrowPL
- DrStrangeWolf
- DrunkenTank
- DThurow
- duckbill
- DunkelUlfson
- dxx9664
- DzsézönSztetem
- Dzsoksz
- dzvladimer
- easeas
- EasyDuck
- ecofresh553
- ecssd
- Edenir
- Efedros
- EgidijusZ
- Echo01
- Einst1
- Eisen_Schwein
- Eisenherz
- Eisenkutte
- EisernerGustav
- el_fynbo
- Elegost
- ElFuZz
- Elitetiger99
- Emleen
- EnderJagerBR
- Ensen
- EpicBaconStrips
- Epicredeemer
- Equinoxxx
- erca001
- ErikaHartman
- Ersatzteil
- Eskobar68
- EugenNeko
- Eugo_2900
- eurovaltrans
- Ex_inkkari
- Eypon
- F207
- Faalk
- Faltenhund81
- Fanlip
- Farfinder
- Fati
- felipebar
- Felted
- Feneghar
- Fenreth
- Ferral
- Final_Gambit
- firebird820
- FireFrost2
- Flameon985
- FlameSpirit
- Flankersu27
- Flavio93Zena
- fleespy
- Fler821
- FN2725
- ForestryScience
- Forvet
- FoxfireNS
- Foxtrot_Hotel
- franciszek992
- freddy_z0ckt
- friedenspanzer
- ftkatoo
- funkycop
- funta1
- Furiana75
- FusigonusPuf
- FX_1
- G_a_n_d_a_l_f
- G510
- Gadon
- GamingsFinest
- gandalf39
- Gargamel0
- GarmrXUSAF
- Gauvain_III
- geek0505
- Geisterrabe1
- Gellion
- General_Blue
- General_Mehran
- Genomele
- geomal
- Ghavin
- GHOB60
- GhostFasas
- GibbousMaximus
- GiftmischerNel
- Gimlett
- Gimpor
- GirigiriEye
- Gmer
- Gnesea
- Godmod00
- goose26
- Gorrann
- Gousti23CZ
- Gouverneur_Timo
- Graf_Saufenberg
- gre38120
- Greeliyahu
- GreenTermite
- Grim_Guardian
- Grimsister
- gringo
- Guerreiro
- GuessThatMeme
- Gunner1414
- GuyVenom
- Guyver111
- GwenADu
- HackePeter
- HaCkMuFFiNe99
- hamer101
- Hannibal33
- Hansi-001
- HanysB
- Hanysuana
- Hardknock
- Harkin
- HarrasmentPark
- HarryHoe
- Haswell
- Hauseref
- Hawk91
- Heinzielein
- Heliostyle
- Hellboy57
- Hellcat43
- hellheat
- heng0277
- herald17
- HereCreepers
- Higgens2
- HiKiNiT
- Hitmankiller
- hjwbot
- hjx1212
- Hockir
- HolyDragoon
- Horsy
- Hostem
- Howzzat
- Hrimfaxy
- hubal1805
- Huhu
- hunok
- HunterMasto
- HurtfulOutcomes
- ChaoLiZiPao
- Charlie3310
- Charliehorse18
- Charlton67
- ChasePup
- Chass3urAW
- Chet_Ubetcha
- Chrion
- christ351
- Chrsp255
- I5Hammer
- Iamanoob
- IceKuemmerling
- Icepanther
- Ice-Tube
- identitäter
- idiocy
- IHugoI
- Immortal2
- Inclementer
- Indomie
- Inimical
- inspectorTMT
- Invader1222
- Iosifek
- Iron_Monti
- Iron-Samurai
- ItalianStyle
- Its4quenten
- itzjustrick
- IvoryMoonLight
- JackDaniels
- jacko
- Jacksen
- jad13
- Jagdar69
- Jaime_Gatling
- jaimesim
- Jaleya
- Jane_Saphiro
- Jango_996
- jaokiller223
- JaRo1512
- jbsontra
- jbwoo
- Jecklen_Hyde
- JeffNOX
- Jeniu
- Jenkin_Jones
- Jeremy_Clarkson
- Jimmygrey
- JKay
- JockerKlaus
- Joe_Black
- joebob73
- JoePike
- John_Coooper
- Johnny_Yuma
- joker4440
- Jollij
- Jonieryk
- Jonolitium4
- Jonse
- Josch63
- jrice321
- juanlos
- judochop
- Juergen
- juremod
- Jyliac
- K2-71046900
- K3nnjiTheGreat
- K4tz3
- kacerdva
- kadmich
- kaine82
- Kairene_R
- KaiserKent
- Kalladan
- Kalmisto
- Kamikaze2020
- Kamikazestahl
- Kampfpudding
- Karaia
- Kardaloz
- Karlos79CZ
- karooll
- katoda_ltd
- KayGee
- Kazuhira95
- Kazuto_Naruse
- Kebabpower
- Keenwolfe
- Keleb
- Kell_Hound
- kennyboot
- kentavros
- kentoo
- Kess-Tdt
- Kévin_49
- Keyser_Soeze
- kika
- Kiklop73
- Killasmile
- KillnGrill
- kimica
- King_Icefyre
- Kingfish
- Kinsky
- KiryuCoco
- kitiku
- Kkrisak10
- klikadam
- kllrthedemon
- Klmn
- Klötenknaxx
- Knewone
- Knuddelwolf
- Knutliott
- KoileHart
- kokoVmaxa
- Kosiaz88
- KrashDown
- KrazyPanda
- Krieger2297
- Kronos1952
- krumpa
- krzychsus
- Kuba3690
- kuba7108
- kupselos
- Kyoko_Igarashi
- KyRaBoT
- KyraZier
- ladik79
- lakij
- Laknat
- LambChopSoldier
- Lasse
- Lebretonfou
- Legacy
- leleblock
- Lemovice
- Lenzabi
- leo10086
- Leo999
- LeoAegisMaximus
- leonpower
- LeoSayersWig
- Let_it_Shrek
- lf20107
- Lhynn
- Liebefrei
- LieberFrei
- Lieutenant_Sam
- Likenak
- lionleader
- Liszon
- ljhak4526
- LoneWolf_65
- Lord_Soviettron
- lordenaldo
- LordPapaj
- LordVorontur
- Lost_Myst
- Lt_Blechtonne
- LTForge
- Luetze41
- LuLuTsian
- Lumpi
- Lysdexic
- M00KA
- MacDusty93
- macieklu
- Madmax_war
- MagicGnomeBliz
- MagnusBarca
- Magoo62
- MahoNishizumi71
- MachMet_Hood
- MAJ_XevoC
- Major_Degtarev
- MajorMarco45
- malinois68
- Mammothmk2
- Maniacu
- Manmoses1601
- Marc0ZTM
- Margot
- mariokamada
- MarioVegas
- markabrunn
- MarkLXIX
- MarkusAurellius
- Marshal_Elite
- MartaN
- MartinV3
- Mashal_Vader
- MaschiMo
- Mason_Wong
- Mathieukimii
- Matchstick
- Maulgus
- Mausi111
- MaxHeadroom
- maxkilz
- maxlink
- Maybe268
- Mazzy273
- MB72
- Mbsk01
- Mbsk02
- MCP64
- meesa
- MechanicaJackal
- MeKelGachy
- meliadus
- Men_Cor
- Menoetius
- Mensha-Khaine
- Merkava1001
- meshary
- MetaIWrath
- Methos911
- mgdriver
- Micah_Bell
- Midwahgein
- Mieszko2
- Migmeik2000
- Michaellaneous
- MichalSkil
- Mikamy
- MikeAvatar
- milan08
- Milanius
- mi-loup
- minam7489
- MinceCore
- MinkShenan
- Mirko101010
- Mjolner
- MK_Regular
- mk153
- Mk2Griefer
- Mohawk55a
- Mohrteph
- Mondfuchs
- Monkeynuts
- Morvaiman
- Moufo
- moupp
- mozilla1949
- Mpc1965
- mral2012
- MrBurns23
- mrkiller
- MrMakata
- MSgtDomanian
- MsgtMarl
- Muaddibb
- muguet
- Multesimus
- MunjeVrele
- munkadu
- Muzzle_Flash
- muzzleloader
- myj987
- Mystic501
- N3cr0n0m
- N3RD12512
- Najlvin
- NakaTheDaemon
- narkisos
- Narnman
- Neko_29
- Nekrosmas
- Neo4
- nephrwack1982
- Nerpynerp
- Netherstorm
- nevimcosem
- NicktheProf
- Niev-VN
- nighthawk144
- Nihtwaco
- ninja474
- Nitro238
- nitroasp
- Nkp801
- NoEffectDagger
- NoIdeasMan
- nolja
- Noobdown
- noobhoch10
- Noobster47
- nookie
- Nova67
- Nuisance_Value
- NukeMutant
- ObiWan28
- Obuzzul
- okonis
- OldIronside
- OldRicky
- Oldwolf-UK
- Ollinator
- ombres77
- OSF_d_R
- OSN-83
- OSTBtsmAlbert
- Overheateconomy
- P4nzerMarmelade
- Paladin1969
- Paladin69
- pannekoekert
- PanserArne
- panzerstaale
- Papa_Sc0rch
- Paramirum
- parsslinger1967
- Partypaco
- PaterBrown
- patox45200
- patriezier
- Paul_Phynix
- paun95
- Peacemakerr
- pekele
- Peluri
- Penguin123
- Penguinkiller
- Penrose
- pepecoco05
- PereZ_345
- perlaperlo20
- Perzel
- Pesa
- PetrosCZE
- Phalyr
- Phelpsy_Phelps
- Phoenix
- pcheniek
- Pi0ve
- PilotBBC123
- Pitley
- Pixelpapsto
- Platinumsniper
- PlayerPL
- PolishLegend
- Polo_pl18
- pop2507
- popo1306
- poussinours73
- prcković
- Princess_Luna
- prizrak86
- ProMyka
- Protocol
- Proxy_One
- PS_Tod
- PSChild
- PsyWarrior
- Ptitluc65
- puky_cro
- PureZX
- PurpleLXXIII
- PvtPetrenko
- PVTTrulyBlind
- PvtTwinkletoes
- Pyrion
- Qbicle
- Quadan
- QuantumRanger
- Qurczak
- R_M_B
- Rabiwatt
- rabu9999
- Radar3121
- Radson1999
- radus1975
- raf2103
- Ragnar1994
- RagnarSchulz
- Rainmaker
- raketenchali
- RaKsHasHa9
- RamaA
- Rammstein012345
- Randomnoob
- RangerMavrick
- Raph-the-Raven
- Rapy_cz
- raspyspacegod
- RatPoison
- raubmuecke
- RavenClavv
- Ravenwing_129
- raysugar
- Razor696
- razorserban
- RedBad007
- ReddNekk
- Redork
- RedSkyAtNight
- Regias_ArmeCrea
- rembolt007
- Remist
- renegade_83
- Rico32
- Righteous_Man
- Rmanrr
- rng_auf_kette
- robertmi
- Roopom
- Root66N1
- Roscar
- Rostdose
- RussianDoge
- RUSSification
- ryder
- S3RO1346
- sacoco
- sagvanmaslo
- Sahhe
- Salvo
- SASGamer_Pro
- SciroccoOne
- Scout51
- Sebastian_Grimm
- SegeberGER
- Sehven
- Sergeant_Bill
- sergeantjim
- severius
- SFC_Warlock
- SG50_2015
- sgmace
- Sgt_Reckless
- Sgt_Waffle
- SgtDream
- sgtcharon
- SgtMaj_Carey
- SGWannaBe
- shadowood
- Shadowwolve
- Shaele
- Shmex
- Scharnhorst87
- Schiwago
- Schlock
- Schmiddy1991
- Schneefuchs
- Schnitter_Zwei
- Schnittertm
- SchwarzFrost
- Sicario69
- SiemaSeppo
- Sierra_R
- Silver
- SilverHawke
- Silversurfer70
- SilverthorneR33
- Silverton
- SilverWolf117
- simolens
- Simon_RIley_141
- sinsia
- sinsin01
- SirKlasu
- sixor82
- Skippzzz
- SkitzyFox
- skydreamers23
- SleepyTheFox
- SmallZhe
- Smeghedd117
- snakeyes1948
- SneakyNibbler
- snidii12345
- Snomanmake
- Sobink
- Solstafir
- SomnusSenior
- Somrug
- sonic_07
- sooner62
- Spartan0090
- Spaten66
- Spearhead
- Spieler-1
- SpiritOfNoPen
- Spitfire
- sprinpigeon
- Spyder
- Spychacz
- Spyshadow01
- Stabbingtime
- Stahlvormund92
- StarBlaze
- start1962ricco
- Startfuchs
- Staufener
- SteelHeroe
- SteelTongue
- StiltedKiwi28
- Stinger952
- Stoltenborg
- Stormlord
- Stratzi
- SturmOstfriese
- Sturmvogel_53
- Suberb
- sun_tha
- Super_Conqueror
- Super_J-K
- Supereend_2punt
- Surlytanker
- Susanowo_1998
- SuwalskiYaReX85
- Sverige
- SZymoin666
- TA55U
- TabulaRasa
- Tachikoma_0808
- taimo123
- TakeTh1s
- Talisman4437
- Talo
- Talyus
- Tamahagen
- Tank_Sniper
- tankeur_59
- Tankfist60
- TankFranky
- tankhunter0815
- tankist_49
- Tankratte
- Tanktostepone
- TanK-x
- TankXD777
- TaperHarley
- Taqu
- Tarkus
- Tateundertaker
- Tathris
- tazol
- TBFreak
- TBW12
- TeamM6123
- Tebor
- Tehquila
- TeKa
- Tenam
- TermiPeteNZ
- test_404
- teufala
- Tevix
- ThatBlindSniper
- ThatCr4zyW31RDo
- The_mad_Midget
- The_Viking68
- ThE_XeUs
- The5thchild
- TheDgamesD
- TheGhostPl
- TheGreenTank
- TheLastHuszar
- The-Madman
- ThePsychoCat
- TheQuietOne
- TheRealFireShar
- Thernadomguy
- TheSerpentMage
- thewolfpack
- thibaut1420
- thierryimmel
- ThirdPanther
- Thorn66
- Thorolfson
- thud
- Thurim
- Tiananmen1989
- Tiger1964
- TigerLord
- Tigerlover
- Tigger
- Tikburg
- TimksK
- TimMardon
- TiranoAW
- tj269530
- TMac2467
- TobiichiOrigami
- Todor14x
- Tom_Jones_72
- TomatoWarrior
- tomcat_SRB
- Tomin4tor
- Tomkopol
- Tony_01
- Toomanysecrets
- TopSgt
- TornadoADV
- Torti007
- ToxicAddictions
- tpling
- trekchu
- Tresirtam
- TrueDuck
- Tuna
- Turbo_The_Anima
- Tyrex321
- Uglyn
- UncleBin
- Unforgiven75
- uniwers
- uNKnownTanker
- Unmaker
- Urik_Antares
- UrsulPolar
- UszczeliX
- V3n0x
- vadda959
- ValiVaDoboara
- Valkyrie7
- Varro
- VaygrEmpire
- veldmaarschalk
- Velside
- Veuxlarius
- Vidaritos
- vitjaba96
- VladTepes84
- VodkaTschechern
- volldabei1
- von_Grimm
- von_chom
- von_Rummelsdorf
- VonBach86
- Vovencjusz
- voxx22
- VTek46
- W00dbury
- w4rf4re
- Wackensack
- waidler
- Wallo
- wardawg8
- Warhobo
- Warnyx
- Wasulf
- Weber13
- welle68
- werewolf1966
- wezzie88
- What_crysis
- Whitefang9481
- wiesel
- WildBiker
- WillDie4Money
- windows_xp
- Winterborne
- winterfeldt
- wladio
- Wolf_S8
- wolf054
- Wolfaar
- Wolfonar
- Wolt_01
- Wolvan
- Wolven666
- WraZz
- Wrof
- ww60
- x9x0x8x4
- Xarven
- xave72
- XBigBenX
- X-heketchis_V44
- xHugo_Stiglitzx
- Xorphitus
- xRoCC
- Xsocador
- XxcukaxX
- XxoAlExAnDeRoX
- xX-Puma-Xx
- Yakisaban
- YangRenJey
- Yeshim
- yoloman1224
- YourfriendlyGI
- Zacom
- Zealot
- Zedarot
- zenoniations
- Zerhuskly
- ZGMF1000
- Zhen_01
- ziboli
- Zieloo
- Zip50
- Zirael
- ZKILL_G-doza-MB
- Zoxx
- Zullu-09
- zupermanneke
Please note that the list does not contain roughly 15-20 players who did get in by purchasing the Perihelion Bundle in the last two days.
The bundle is no longer available since at this stage, it’s unlikely for new players to be able to complete the whole Episode by completing 3 out of 6 available missions.
Mission Results
Without further ado, on to the mission results. Please note that the number of eligible players considered when calculating the results is 707 – that’s what Episode 1 was launched with after the initial training. The results are based on the general rules of the campaign.
- Players completed: 158 (22.3%)
- Result: Rout
- Effects: Morale -2, Troops -20, 1 BMPT Mod.2017 lost (1 remaining)
- Rewards: None (failed due to the Rout result)
Story result: The Perihelion forces failed to learn how to operate as a cohesive unit and it is unsure whether they ever will. While nobody was truly hurt, a vehicle got severely damaged and a number of men participating in the exercise left the outfit. David Murdoch will hear about this fiasco and will not be pleased. Only hard work (completing the Reinforcements mission) will convince him to continue financing the endeavor.
- Abyss
- AlfredvonGomel
- Allounia
- AlvyDOB
- Arni_xd
- Arri_Shi
- Azdule
- Bat_comrad
- battlegirl
- Bazel
- Benyamin
- BerserkSplash
- Betonman
- Black_Stallion
- Bleddry
- broken_Pottery
- bubulle
- Buckaroo_Banzai
- Caligula876
- Carloveliki
- Centurin
- ColdSteel66
- corgthebeast
- CorrosivePrimed
- Coyote
- CRrreLL
- cyberseth4A10
- Czarny99
- DaisenSeKai
- Dark_Rider
- Dayan78
- Dean_Martin
- der_brocken
- Der_Master
- dfnce
- Donkey46
- Drackenfells
- Eisenherz
- ErikaHartman
- Eskobar68
- Eugo_2900
- Flavio93Zena
- Fler821
- ForestryScience
- funkycop
- G_a_n_d_a_l_f
- Gadon
- Genomele
- GiftmischerNel
- Gorrann
- GuyVenom
- HanysB
- Heliostyle
- herald17
- hunok
- HunterMasto
- HurtfulOutcomes
- identitäter
- idiocy
- Iosifek
- Iron-Samurai
- IvoryMoonLight
- Jagdar69
- Jango_996
- Johnny_Yuma
- Jonieryk
- Jyliac
- karooll
- katoda_ltd
- kévin_49
- kika
- Krieger2297
- krumpa
- kuba7108
- KyraZier
- lakij
- Lasse
- Lenzabi
- Leo999
- Let_it_Shrek
- Lord_Soviettron
- Luetze41
- Men_Cor
- Menoetius
- MichalSkil
- Mirko101010
- Mondfuchs
- MrBurns23
- Muaddibb
- N3cr0n0m
- nighthawk144
- Noobdown
- P4nzerMarmelade
- Paladin69
- PaterBrown
- Peacemakerr
- Penguinkiller
- Phoenix
- Pitley
- PolishLegend
- Princess_Luna
- PsyWarrior
- PVTTrulyBlind
- R_M_B
- radus1975
- RagnarSchulz
- Ravenwing_129
- RUSSification
- ryder
- S3RO1346
- sacoco
- SASGamer_Pro
- Sebastian_Grimm
- Schnitter_Zwei
- Schnittertm
- SiemaSeppo
- simolens
- SirKlasu
- Solstafir
- Spaten66
- Spearhead
- Spitfire
- Stahlvormund92
- SteelHeroe
- StiltedKiwi28
- Surlytanker
- SZymoin666
- TA55U
- TabulaRasa
- taimo123
- Talyus
- Tank_Sniper
- Tarkus
- TeamM6123
- Tebor
- Tenam
- The_Viking68
- The5thchild
- ThePsychoCat
- TheQuietOne
- thewolfpack
- thibaut1420
- Tiger1964
- Tigerlover
- Tikburg
- Todor14x
- tomcat_SRB
- Valkyrie7
- Weber13
- werewolf1966
- WillDie4Money
- Xorphitus
- zupermanneke
- Players completed: 258 (36.5%)
- Result: Pyrrhic Victory
- Effects: Morale -1, Troops -10
- Rewards: 1 Platinum Loot Crate (Perihelion Sigil decal not issued due to the Pyrrhic Victory result)
Story result: Despite getting into a serious firefight with a heavily armed convoy assumed to have carried drugs alongside the U.S. forces without breaking ranks, the Perihelion units involved in the operation took unexpected casualties as they were clearly not ready for an operation of such intensity. Still, the convoy was stopped (mostly thanks to the U.S. Army efforts) and some loot was salvaged from its remains. In this sense, it was a “victory” because the traffickers cannot realistically take on a fully armed corporate outfit with military support and their route was broken, but Perihelion cannot realistically afford such losses.
- Abyss
- addedd
- Aiiro
- Akira-1982
- AlfredvonGomel
- Alighierian
- Alpha7
- AlphaDude
- Alzoc3
- Apuk
- Arcaran
- Arcticwolfbz
- Arri_Shi
- Asqwel
- AssaultEngineer
- Attacker65
- Avalanthium
- Ayako
- Azarith
- Azdule
- b1uetears
- Bat_comrad
- Bazel
- Benyamin
- BerserkSplash
- Betonman
- Bigtone1951
- BillWilsonCIA
- Blabla123
- Black_Stallion
- BlackSide
- Bluedust
- broken_Pottery
- bubulle
- Buccaner_3000
- Buckaroo_Banzai
- Caligula876
- Carloveliki
- ccruler
- Centurin
- Cinder
- Commander_Cold
- Coyote
- Cozmic
- CraigMitchell
- CRrreLL
- Cupa
- CWolf1
- cyberseth4A10
- Czarny99
- DaisenSeKai
- danishcommunis
- Dansvp
- Dark_Rider
- Dark-Souls
- Dayan78
- Dean_Martin
- deLooney
- DemonPrince
- dennisthemenace
- dfnce
- dkhi
- Donkey46
- DoomedGrind
- Drackenfells
- dxx9664
- EgidijusZ
- Eisenherz
- EisernerGustav
- Elegost
- Ensen
- Equinoxxx
- erca001
- ErikaHartman
- Eskobar68
- Eugo_2900
- Final_Gambit
- Flameon985
- Flavio93Zena
- Fler821
- ForestryScience
- funkycop
- G_a_n_d_a_l_f
- Gadon
- General_Mehran
- Genomele
- Ghavin
- GhostFasas
- GiftmischerNel
- Gimlett
- GirigiriEye
- Grim_Guardian
- Guyver111
- HanysB
- Hanysuana
- HarryHoe
- Haswell
- Heinzielein
- Heliostyle
- herald17
- HereCreepers
- Hockir
- HolyDragoon
- hunok
- HunterMasto
- HurtfulOutcomes
- ChaoLiZiPao
- Chet_Ubetcha
- Chrion
- identitäter
- idiocy
- Indomie
- inspectorTMT
- Iosifek
- Iron-Samurai
- ItalianStyle
- itzjustrick
- IvoryMoonLight
- Jagdar69
- Jango_996
- Johnny_Yuma
- kacerdva
- kaine82
- Kardaloz
- karooll
- Keenwolfe
- kévin_49
- Keyser_Soeze
- kimica
- Kingfish
- KiryuCoco
- Knutliott
- KrashDown
- Krieger2297
- kuba7108
- KyraZier
- lakij
- Lenzabi
- Lord_Soviettron
- LordVorontur
- Mashal_Vader
- MB72
- Mbsk01
- Mbsk02
- meesa
- Men_Cor
- Menoetius
- Mensha-Khaine
- Methos911
- MichalSkil
- Mirko101010
- Mjolner
- Mk2Griefer
- Mohawk55a
- Mondfuchs
- Morvaiman
- Moufo
- moupp
- MrBurns23
- MsgtMarl
- muzzleloader
- N3cr0n0m
- narkisos
- Nekrosmas
- nighthawk144
- ninja474
- Noobdown
- Noobster47
- Nuisance_Value
- P4nzerMarmelade
- Paladin69
- PaterBrown
- patox45200
- Paul_Phynix
- pekele
- Penguinkiller
- Phoenix
- Pitley
- Polo_pl18
- Princess_Luna
- Proxy_One
- Qbicle
- QuantumRanger
- R_M_B
- radus1975
- RagnarSchulz
- Ravenwing_129
- RedBad007
- RussianDoge
- sagvanmaslo
- SASGamer_Pro
- Sebastian_Grimm
- Sgt_Waffle
- Schlock
- Schnitter_Zwei
- Schnittertm
- simolens
- SneakyNibbler
- Solstafir
- Somrug
- sooner62
- Spaten66
- Spearhead
- Spyder
- Spychacz
- Spyshadow01
- Stabbingtime
- Stahlvormund92
- SteelHeroe
- Stratzi
- SturmOstfriese
- Surlytanker
- SuwalskiYaReX85
- SZymoin666
- TA55U
- TabulaRasa
- taimo123
- Talyus
- Tank_Sniper
- TanK-x
- TaperHarley
- Taqu
- Tarkus
- Tebor
- Tenam
- The_Viking68
- The5thchild
- ThePsychoCat
- TheQuietOne
- Thernadomguy
- thewolfpack
- Thorn66
- Thurim
- Tiger1964
- Tikburg
- Todor14x
- TornadoADV
- Torti007
- Tuna
- vadda959
- Valkyrie7
- W00dbury
- Wackensack
- Warhobo
- Weber13
- werewolf1966
- WildBiker
- WillDie4Money
- Xorphitus
- XxoAlExAnDeRoX
- Yeshim
- Zedarot
- Zip50
- zupermanneke
- Players completed: 3 (0.42%)
- Result: No Attempt
- Effects: None
- Rewards: None
Story result: As expected, nobody took the idea seriously.
- tomcat_SRB
- Don_Makedon
- Tikburg
Summary Results
These three missions ended with the following results:
- Morale: -3
- Troops: -30
- Vehicle Losses: BMPT Mod.2017 (1/2)
However, take heart, commanders. The Reinforcements mission is shaping up nicely (the results will be known only after October 31) so it seems the Perihelion troops will get their act together after all.
The rest, as they say, is up to you. The two following missions coming on October 25 will not be that hard despite the negative difficulty modifier, but will require some thinking on your part. Your choices will determine the outcome of Episode 1 and, indeed, the entire Storyline Campaign.