In Armored Warfare, repairs and ammunition do not cost a thing. What you can spend your Credits on, however, are Consumables.
Consumables are performance boosters for a single battle. As their name suggests, they are consumed by their use in battle, where they (mostly) have to be manually activated.
There are two quality categories available:
- Basic (available for free on every vehicle, perform basic functions)
- Improved (available for Credits, perform advanced functions)
Each vehicle has four configurable consumable slots (one is reserved exclusively for PvE consumables). Consumables can be managed by clicking the Consumables icon in your Garage.
Basic (available for free):
- Spare Parts consumable repairs all damaged modules on your vehicle and adds a passive bonus to overall module repair rate
- Fire Extinguisher consumable extinguishes one fire inside your vehicle, has to be used manually (it also has a passive bonus reducing any fire duration)
- Medical Kit consumable heals all injured crew members and passively increases crew resilience
Improved (available for Credits):
- Surplus Parts Crate consumable repairs all damaged modules on your vehicle and adds a passive bonus to overall module repair rate, can be used three times per battle
- Improved Fire Extinguisher consumable extinguishes one fire inside your vehicle, has to be used manually, has three charges (it also has a passive bonus reducing any fire duration)
- First Aid Cabinet consumable heals all injured crewmembers, passively increases crew resilience and can be used three times per battle
- Energy Drink consumable increases crew stats (performance) in battle
- Synthetic Oil consumable increases your vehicle’s acceleration, agility and speed
- Field Rebuild Kit consumable restores all your health in a mission (this consumable is restricted to the PvE mode and occupies a special consumable slot)
- Experimental Field Rebuild Kit consumable restores all your health in a mission up to three times (this consumable is restricted to the PvE mode and occupies a special consumable slot, it’s also not normally available)
You can only deploy one consumable of each type per battle, although you can stack Basic and Improved consumables of the same type (it is possible to equip Spare Parts and Surplus Parts Crate consumables at the same time), in which case their passive bonuses do stack.
Used consumable costs are deducted after each battle automatically. Please note that while it’s normally not possible to lose Credits at each battle’s end, it is possible to earn zero Credits by using too many consumables. Some consumables are quite costly – use them with caution!